Chapter 22

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Song for this chapter:

Ours - Taylor Swift (all through chapter)

Within two days I already have 12k followers on Instagram, since that's the only social media I use. Most of my followers are supportive of me and Ash, but a lot aren't. They say things like, "How did you end up with Ash?", "You're ugly" or "Why would he choose you?" And it's driving me insane and bringing back my anxiety.

"Don't worry about it, nothing they say will change how I feel about you." Ashton whispers to me. He wraps his arms around me and nuzzles his nose in my hair. I wish I could just pause the world at this moment, the boy I adore is holding me and telling me that he cares about me. I sink further into his warm embrace; wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him. "I always worry, Ashton." I sigh. He lifts my chin up and looks into my eyes, "Ash, don't. I care about you so much and I hate to see you like this." He pleads. His eyes hold so many emotions and I have to believe him, I just have to. "Okay." I nod. Ash pulls me up to him and kisses me sweetly, I close my eyes and kiss him back. Bombs go off in my stomach and I reach up and tangle my fingers in his hair, which feels like silk. Ashton moans into the kiss and presses his hands into the small of my back, lifting my shirt up slightly and pressing his warm hands onto my hips. "Ashton, where's the Vege- oh shit sorry, oh god." Michael groans walking into the lounge room and covering his eyes. Ashton groans as I pull away from the kiss. "Seriously, Michael?" He sighs. "I said I was sorry, Jesus my eyes." Michael whines. Ashton clears his throat, "The Vegemite is where it always is - the cupboard." He says annoyed. Michael shifts on his feet in the doorway, "Mate I just looked there." He sighs. Ashton looks at me and rolls his eyes, getting up and walking over to Michael, "Common." He says and leads Michael away - letting me have a great view of his ass. I giggle slightly and turn to my phone, unlocking it. I go onto Instagram to see a lot of hate comments about something, "What?" I gasp seeing a letter from an account called '', I start to read it and mentally break down.

So, you all think that Ashleigh is nice? Bullshit. Think again, you don't know her! Her last boyfriend Ben Brooks was cheated on multiple times by this girl, who does she think she is? Coming in and stealing Ashton's heart like it means nothing - we all know it won't last! She is a skanky hoe and will break Ashton's heart. Repost to get it across 5sosfam! We can't let Ash get heartbroken by this bitch! - Anonymous

I gasp covering my mouth, my heart beats and a pain starts up in my chest. I drop my phone hearing a thump on the carpet and start to hyperventilate, a panic attack starting up.

You see when I was being bullied, it was physical and mental and panic attacks became a usual, everyday thing for me to go through. I haven't had one in a year, and Anna tends to help when one starts up.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Douche." Ashton mutters walking in. His footsteps become more rapid as he sees me though, he rushes over and crouches down in front of me. "Ash? Ash, what happened?" He worriedly asks me. Ashton grabs my wrists, but I can't talk. Pain shoots up my body and my head pounds. "P-panic attack..." I stutter, hardly getting it out. Ashton starts to freak out and pushes my hair out of my eyes, he grabs my face with both of his hands and looks me dead in the eyes. "Calm down." He instructs. My chest burns and my eyes start to water as it becomes harder to breathe, I lift my hands up and rest them on Ashton's. "Ash - calm down, breathe please!" He says panicked. I clench my eyes shut and replay his words in my mind,

Calm down, breathe.

I start to take slow breaths and my heart slows down a little, still replaying his words. Ashton let's go of me and wraps me in his arms which calms me down. My heart slows as I listen to the pace of his, and I breathe as he does. After about five minutes I can breathe properly and Ashton whispers, "What happened?" I shakily reach out with my hand and I grab my phone, opening it to the hate page, I watch as Ashton's eyes follow the wording and his eyebrows furrow together angrily. He sighs, and looks sad. His eyes hold emotions - too many and I'm sad watching him. He looks over to me and catches my gaze, then he wraps his arms around me again and gives the best hug I've ever. It's like he put all his emotion into the hug, because I finally got what he felt and it was heartbreaking. "Ash, don't listen to it. I-I mean it, I don't want you to ever feel like you're worthless or a piece of shit because I think you're absolutely and completely beautiful inside and out," Ashton whispers. "And I like you for who you are." His hazel eyes meet mine again and I kiss his cheek, not minding the stubble on it. "I'll try, babe." I say as I fully recorded from my panic attack.

One question lingers in my mind though, who wrote that; And why?


Thank you @Nearly_Late for the idea! This was fun to write!

- Murphy xx


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