Chapter 9

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- Monday after School -

"So Luke, what are you up to nowadays?" My mum asked him. Luke dropped off Anna and came back to my house, because he was hungry.
"Well, I'm in a band." He says after he's swallowed his chocolate chip cookie. "Really? You seemed to miss out that part..." I mutter. "Ooh, what kind of band?" My mother says in awe. "It's a punk rock band, were called Five Seconds of Summer." He explains. "Tell me more!" My mother exclaims sitting at the table with her tea.
"Well... I play bass and sing, my friend Calum plays guitar and sings too, so does Michael. And Ashton plays the drums... And he does the vocals," Luke explains smiling, "Actually they're all moving here."
"Come again?" I tell him. "Cal, Mike and Ash are moving here." Luke says slowly. "When?!" I yell at Luke. "Next week, damn." He says scrunching up his face. "Wait... You're telling me that your boy band members are moving here?" I ask him. "Yes," He sarcastically replies, "And we're not a boy band."


"Oii, Ash!" Luke yells down the hall of our school. My suspendment is over, it wasn't that bad honestly.
I turn around and see Luke with a guy with green hair, a guy with dark brown hair and the hottest damn sexy thing I've ever lied my eyes upon.
"Hai." I say. "Hey." Says green haired guy. "Hello." Says brunette. "Hi." Says Sexy-Thang.
"These are my band member!" Luke smiles. "Michael," Green haired guy waves, "Calum," Brunette grins, "And Ashton." Sexy-Thang doesn't smile but his dimples dig into his cheeks... Damn. I think I'm in love. "Hi, I'm Ash." I smile and wave.
There's an awkward silence for a while until Ashton finally speaks, "So, what do you have first period?"
"Um... Science." I answer after I run through my timetable. "Me too." He says. "What do you guys have?" I ask the boys.
"Math." Michael groans. "Same." Calum says. "I have sport." Luke grins.
Ding ding ding ding ding ding
"Homeroom, see you in science Ashton. Bye guys." I wave.

-1st Period-
"Ella?" The old teacher asks. "Yes."
"Justin?" "Yes."
"Ashton?" "Uh huh."
"Ashleigh?" "Present." I reply. Mrs. Wender has the worst voice, it's so scratchy.
"Excuse me Miss?" Ashton asks from the front of the class, he flicks his curly golden hair and I gape in awe. "What?" She snaps. "Sorry, I'm new. Where do I sit?" He politely asks her. Ugh. His voice. It's amazing.
"Go sit next to Bay." She shrugs and points towards me.
Wait, what? Me?
Ashton smiles and makes his way towards the back of the room and sits next to me. "Hi Ashleigh." He sweetly says.
"Hi Ashton." I reply. "You can call me Ash is you want?" He tells me. "And you can call me Ash too." I smile. "Okay, Ash." He laughs.
Wow. He has such a contagious laugh, it's gorgeous.

"Okay Demons, here's your worksheet. Name all the elements of the periodic table, no iPads just your memory. You cheat? You die. I will hunt you down, rip your throat out and feed you to satan. Got it? Now get to work!" Mrs. Wender screams at us. Ash turns to me with wide eyes, "Demons?" He asks. "Yes, she hates children." I giggle. He gulps and takes two sheets for the pile being handed around, passing one to me. I look at the worksheet and groan. "What?" Ashton asks. "I don't get it." I moan. "I can help, if you want?" He offers. "Really?" I ask him. His eyes are hazel, like mine. "Yeah, sure," he shrugs, "What's Fe?" He asks. "Iron." I answer. "Yeah, now write that down with the symbol in where it goes." Ash explains.
Am I listening? No. Am I looking at Sexy-Thang? Yes.
"Are you listening?" He giggles. "Yeah, you put iron into Fe." I say. "... Not exactly." He says cocking his head to the left. "Ugh, I'm sorry." I groan putting my head into my hands. "It's okay." He smiles and I smile at him. "You're cute." I say without thinking. "Did I just say that?" I ask him slapping my hand over my mouth. "Yes." He giggles. "Holy shit." I say turning away. I'm pretty sure I'm turning 50 Shades of Blush. "Don't worry, I think you're cute too." He says laughing at my embarrassment. "Thanks." I giggle and start blushing all over again.

Fucking boys.

Nah. It's not. It's just an update, but yay! I hope you enjoyed it :)) I need a new cover, so if you have any ideas or a picture please private message me on my instagram :))
Instagram: loseyourdniim
Thank you :)
- Murphy x

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