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Two classes later and the school day was finally over. Trixie felt relieved when the bell rang and she left to her locker. When she saw it in the distance she definitely wasn't expecting Katya Zamolodchikova to be leaned against it with a cigarette in her mouth.

She raised her eyebrows for a second before she made her way over to her locker.

"Uh, hi?" Trixie said, but it came out more like a question. She was confused, yet curious to know why Katya was here.

"Trixie, right?" Katya spoke, voice deep and low as smoke flowed from her red lips. She moved from Trixie's locker, so the girl could get into it, but she didn't leave just yet.

Trixie nodded, scrunching her nose a bit at the scent of the smoke. She spun her combination into the lock when Katya moved away from it, popping open the locker quickly.

"Yeah," She said softly, chewing at her lip out of nervousness.

Katya smirked a bit as she saw the shorter girl nibbling on her lip, taking another slow intake of the cigarette in her mouth. After releasing the smoke, she spoke again.

"Well, I'm Katya," She said, but she figured Trixie knew who she was. Most people did.

"I know," Trixie spoke slowly, removing her history book from her locker and setting it in her bag. "Thanks for earlier, in English," She said after a few seconds, figuring Katya needed a proper thank you.

Even if Trixie was slightly nervous and uncomfortable as hell, she wasn't going to be rude.

Katya shrugged at Trixie's thank you, she didn't really think of it as something big.

"It was nothing really, they were being assholes," She said as she glanced over at Trixie. Up and down her curves.

Trixie nodded in agreement to that, closing her locker before she turned to face Katya.

"True," She said with a soft, shy smile. "Thanks again though," She added before walking off, seeing a few of Katya's friends approaching them.

Chris was one of those friends. Trixie and Chris never got along and Trixie was surprised Katya didn't know that. Chris was always trying to get with Trixie; suggestive glances and words. Frankly, Trixie wouldn't have it. She wasn't interested and that made Chris upset every time she turned him down.

Trixie sighed softly, pushing the door to the school open and feeling the cold October air rush against her face. She shivered a bit, pulling her sweater over her hands a bit more as she walked. She questioned a few things on the way home.

Why did Katya defend her? Especially with her past with Chris, which Trixie is sure Katya knows. And why the sudden interest?

The event at her locker was the weirdest part.

Trixie doesn't think she ever once talked to Katya before today. She definitely has seen her, but never talked to her. She was intimidated, just like everyone else. Chris and Amy were really the only people that talked to her that were actually close friends with Katya.

Trixie scrunched her nose a bit as she thought about Katya.

Sure, she thought Katya was hot, she definitely was, but in the more edgy, bad girl way. Definitely not Trixie's type, but something drew her in.

She quickly pushed away those thoughts though, figuring that this was probably going to be the only time Katya talks to her. But for some odd reason, Trixie wanted to talk to her again, but she wouldn't. She wouldn't unless Katya talked to her first, Trixie decided. She nodded a bit, pulling out her house keys when she saw her house in the distance.

She hopped up the steps and stuck the key in the lock to unlock the door and let herself in. Trixie dropped her bag on the floor next to the door and sat her key down on the kitchen counter. No one was home, which was normal for Trixie. She only lived with her mom, who works until 8, so she was home alone until then.

Trixie never minded being home alone though, she quite enjoyed it actually. She loved coming home, making something to eat and going up to her room to sit on her desk for hours and do math homework or something. That was exactly what she did.

Katya kept popping up in Trixie's mind though, which was frustrating her a bit. She just told herself it was just because she's never talked to Katya before, and she stuck with that.

Trixie frowned and leaned back into her pillows, mind on raven hair, red lips and blue eyes.

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