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Just at that moment, the front door slammed shut and heels clicked against the floor up the stairs. Trixie's mum peaked her head through the door, her eyebrows furrowing once she saw Trixie and Katya sat on the bed.

"Aren't you two supposed to be at school? if you guys are ditching to have se-"

"That's not why we left," Trixie interrupted quickly, the idea of sex making her stomach churn right now. "I actually need to talk to you".

She looked a little surprised, but walked into the room anyway and took a seat on the bed next two the girls.

"What about?" She asked, frowning once she saw a closer look at her daughter's face. "Have you been crying?"

Katya stood silently and left the room, but not without pressing a kiss to Trixie's hair. She figured the two needed a moment alone, and she didn't want to intrude on that.

"Uh, yeah, I have been crying," Trixie said after Katya shut the door. "Something happened with Jessie at school today."

"What?" She asked, her heart immediately dropping at the thoughts that were racing through her mind. "What happened? Did he try anything?"

Trixie swallowed thickly, her eyes scanning the floor.

"Um, he- he did it again," She spoke, almost ashamed of what had happened. "It was so bad and I really didn't want it, I didn't."

"Trix," She mumbled and she pulled Trixie for a hug. "I'm going to talk to Mary and the police, okay? This cannot go unnoticed again, this boy has problems that need to be dealt with."

Trixie nodded as she rested her head on her mum's shoulder, hugging her back tightly.

"Thank you," She whispered, squeezing her. She nodded as well before pulling back.

"I'll do anything to protect you, Trixie. And this is just something I have to do," She said as she stood from the bed. Trixie's mum kissed Trixie's forehead before she turned to leave. "I'm gonna call Mary now."

She left the room to find Katya out in the hallway.

"Oh, hello Katya," She said with a small smile, "Did you bring Trixie home today?"

"I did," Katya nodded with a smile in return. "I figure you know now, so it's been kind of a rough day for her."

"Yeah, she told me," She said with a frown. "I don't get how Jessie could do this to such a sweet girl".

"It breaks my heart to see Trixie like this," Katya said quietly, the smile dropping. "I love her so much."

Trixie's mum smiled softly at Katya's words.

"I know you do," She said with a small nod. "Could you maybe stay the night tonight? I don't want Trixie alone after today."

Katya nodded quickly.

"Yeah, that would be great actually," She said with a smile. "I don't want Trixie alone after this either. I wanna be here for her."

"I appreciate it," She said before she was headed down the stairs.

Katya made her way back into Trixie's room, to only find the smaller girl back asleep again. She smiled fondly, before crawling into the bed as well.

a/n: i think my next fic is gonna be my best one yet. if u wanna know what is it about i'm gonna give u a hint:

it's a 2009 movie and a comic book

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