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It was a bit later now, maybe an hour and half into the party. Trixie and Katya were making out lazily in a couch, their bodies together. Trixie held her second drink of the night loosely in her hand. She could feel the slight affect of the alcohol, even though she'd barely had any. She was shocked Katya wasn't a lot more drunk, she was already on her fourth beer of the night.

"Do you wanna go downstairs or something?" Katya whispered against Trixie's lips, "I think Chris and Amy and everyone else are all in the basement."

Trixie shivered and nodded, not going to try to talk over the music as he let Katya lead her down some creaky steps to a very laid back, large room. It smelt of weed and cigarettes, but Trixie didn't expect anything less than that. Trixie followed Katya over to the corner that the group was sat in.

"It took us an hour, but hey, we found you guys," Katya chuckled as she plopped down in a lawn chair that was empty, pulling Trixie to set in her lap.

Chris laughed, taking a sip of whatever was in his red cup.

"We were wondering where you two were! I guessed fucking, but everyone else had a bit different guesses," He smiled, his words a bit slurred from the alcohol and probably the weed.

Katya laughed as well, wrapping her arm around Trixie's waist tightly.

"Yeah, no". She said, sipping her beer, "Haven't done that yet."

Trixie shrugged, leaning against Katya's chest as she took a sip of her sweet drink. She ran his fingers over Katya's knuckles, staying silent until Courtney decided to come over and talk to her.

"I need another drink, and so does Trixie". Katya announced, kissing Trixie's forehead before she got up, "I will be back soon."

Trixie was then left alone with Katya's friends, them immediately bombarding her with questions of all sorts. Most about her and Katya.

"So, you guys really haven't had sex yet?" Amy asked as she raised an eyebrow at Trixie, "Have you guys even gone further than kissing?"

Trixie's cheeks flushed slightly, the alcohol adding to the tint. "We have only kissed a few times, nothing more- Katya wants to take it slow, actually, but it's been nice."

Chris snorted. "It's a shocker that Katya Zamolodchikova wants to take something 'slow' Katya is usually quick with the sex, but I guess you're also her first real relationship-type thing."

"I mean, I wouldn't mind going further than kissing, but Katya is very careful about it," Trixie said as she finished off her drink and set the bottle down. "She likes to make sure that I'm comfortable, but sometimes she is a little too worried about that."

"It's sweet," Sharon spoke up with a shrug. "I don't think any of us have seen Katya be this serious about someone, and I think she probably doesn't want to rush you so you think it's only sex".

Trixie nodded, "Probably, but I just wish she wasn't so pre cautious over everything sometimes."

The conversation was cut off by Katya walking back in, taking her seat with Trixie's legs over his lap and handing Trixie his bottle.

It was comfortable for a while, just light conversation between the group, but then it started to get a bit more rowdier as everyone got a bit drunker. Including Katya.

Trixie thought it was cute, honestly. Katya's eyes were a bit glazed over, and she kept pressing sweet kissing to Trixie's jaw and neck. Katya didn't lie, she was a very affectionate drunk, but Trixie was enjoying it far too much to say anything.

"Wanna dance with me?"

a/n: i feel dumb and desesperate but keep asking me questions it can be whatever

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