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As they pulled up to the local park, Trixie turned to raise an eyebrow at Katya.

"Why are we at the park? It's literally almost 7pm and freezing outside" She said, but got out along with Katya.

"No questions," Katya said with a shake of her head, grabbing onto Trixie's hand and leading her around the park and to the community center behind of it.

As they approached the backside of the community center, Trixie could see what Katya had been planning. There was a projector screen set up, with the starting title of a Disney Movie, and a few feet away from that was a plush looking bed made out of tons of blankets and pillows. next to it, sat a picnic basket.

Trixie smiled happily, turning to face Katya.

"This is so amazing," She hummed, leaning up to kiss Katya again before she was leading her to set on the blankets and pillows.

They ate the simple food Katya made, giggling and talking the whole time. After all the food was gone, Katya started the movie and the pair cuddled up next to each other. It was quiet for half of the movie before Katya started to move a bit.

Trixie glanced over at Katya, to see the older girl biting her lip nervously.

"What's up?" She asked, her voice quiet.

Katya sighed softly, rubbing her thumb over Trixie's hand in a nervous way.

"I need to ask you something," She said, her voice as soft as Trixie's as the movie ran on in the background.

"Go ahead," Trixie said, a look of confusion on her face. She's never seen Katya nervous once, and she was a bit anxious to find out what was bothering her.

Katya closed her eyes as she took a deep breath, letting them open again as she exhaled.

"I really, really like you Trixie, you honestly make me the happiest person ever, y'know? Like whenever I'm around you my stupid 'tough girl' facade drops and I'm all sappy and gross around you. I- I just, I really like the person I am when I'm around you. You make me a better person than I ever was before," She added as she took another deep breath to calm her nerves. "And I don't even know why I'm so nervous about this, because I mean, I figure you'll say yes. But, Trixie, will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?"

Trixie giggled, nodding before she was jumping on Katya to hug her tightly.

"Of course I will be your girlfriend, you idiot," She said with a wide smile, burying her face in Katya's neck. "You are so cute, ugh." Trixie mumbled before she pulled away to press her lips to Katya's.

Katya smiled against Trixie's lips, her hands cupping Trixie's cheeks to pull her closer. The kiss was long and deep, before Trixie moved to straddle Katya's lap.

"Would it be weird for me to eat you out in a public park? Or should we go to your car first?" Trixie mumbled against Katya's lips.

Katya spluttered after she pulled away from the kiss.

"I- shit, what?" She managed out as those words were not what she was expecting to come out of Trixie's mouth.

Trixie sat back on Katya's lap so she could look at the older girl. "I wanna eat you out, if that's alright?"

Katya cursed silently before she nodded and pulled Trixie back down to press their lips together. The kiss was a bit more heated now with Katya taking the lead and Trixie just letting go, Trixie was making sure to grind back on Katya's lap every once in a while, Katya's hands made her way to lift Trixie's skirt and grabbed thighly at her ass with her big hands.

And eventually, Trixie got bored of just the grinding and her hands dropped to begin unbuttoning Katya's jeans.

"Are you sure, baby?" Katya asked softly as she pressed open mouthed kisses down Trixie's neck. "You know you don't have to do anything, yeah?"

Trixie nodded slightly, popping the button on Katya's pants and unzipping the zipper.

"I know, shit- Katya I really want to," She said, tilting her neck to give Katya more access.

Katya somehow wiggled off her jeans, all while sucking a purple mark on Trixie's neck and making her moan softly.

"Your mom is gonna kill you for that one," She mumbled with a small laugh, pulling Trixie's top over her head and letting her hands cup Trixie's covered breasts. "God, you are so hot"

"Don't care right now, and thank you". Trixie said with a small smirk at Katya, pulling Katya's own black t-shirt over her head and letting it fall next to them.

Trixie pressed kisses down Katya's breasts as Katya relaxed back against the pillows, letting Trixie do as she pleased.

The small girl kissed along the band of Katya's black panties, her fingers teasingly rubbing against Katya's thigh.

She sucked a few hickeys into Katya's hips before Katya whined impatiently. Trixie slowly pulled Katya's underwear off her legs.

"Shit," Katya mumbled as Trixie slowly introduced a finger inside her and began to pump in and out. "Like what you see, baby?"

In response, Trixie wrapped her tongue around her clit, sucking and tonguing gently. She continued to do that, while her hand still worked inside and out her. Katya cursed under her breath, and that only encouraged Trixie to insert another digit inside her.

Trixie roamed her tongue up and down and inside her soft walls for a while before Katya was speaking.

"Fuck Trixie- gonna cum," She warned as her hands moved to smooth Trixie's curly hair.

Trixie still continued though, until Katya was moaning her name and coming, shaking her legs. Trixie made sure to taste all of Katya before she pulled off, swatting the string of spit that connected.

"Fuck you are so good," Katya muttered before she pulled Trixie towards her and pressed her lips to the girl's. "Want me to finger you, or something?" She asked against Trixie's lips, running her palm on her left boob.

A small nod was all it took for Katya to lift Trixie's skirt and pull it up enough for her to feel her heat against her panties.

"You are so fucking hot". Katya whispered in amusement when Trixie closed her eyes in pleasure.

Katya moved Trixie's underwear off the way and started fingering Trixie deep and fast and she grabbed tightly at Katya's tattoed arm, burying her face into her neck, moaning softly.

"Shit- you are so good at this". Trixie mumbled as she bit her neck softly.

Katya smirked and bent down to lick a strip of Trixie's nipple before biting softly, earning a hissed sound from Trixie. Katya was only encouraged to speed up and run her thumb on her clit.

It only took a few minutes before Trixie was coming and shaking on Katya's touch, moaning softly the whole time into Katya's ear.

Katya used her shirt to wipe her hand, putting back on her clothes (except her shirt) before cuddling.

"Was that alright?" Trixie asked gently as she rested her head on Katya's shoulder, closing her eyes. She was a bit nervous of Katya's reaction, as Katya has had many sexual partners, and Trixie wasn't experienced at all.

Katya nodded quickly, pressing a kiss to Trixie's curly hair.

"You did so good baby. Did you know I love you?" Katya said a moment later, not even thinking before the words fell from her mouth.

Trixie giggled tiredly, shaking her head slightly.

"I didn't know, but did you know that I love you too?" She asked back teasingly, pressing a soft kiss to the side of Katya's neck.

The couple stayed there for only a few more hours, but they could have stayed in that moment forever.

a/n: finally oh my god i hate them

uhg and this was my first time writing lesbian smut i'm sorry if it's akward i'm trying

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