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"Hello?" Katya said on the other line, her voice slightly groggy and sleepy sounding.

It made Trixie instantly smile, although there were still tears falling down her face.

"Hi...," Trixie said softy, she could hear how watery and sad her voice sounded. "Did I wake you up? I can hang up if you want?"

Katya shuffled on the other side, probably moving around on her bed, Trixie figured.

"No, no, it's okay," she said, and Trixie could hear her frown. "Have you been crying?"

"Yeah," Trixie said softly, her hand coming to wipe the still falling tears off her face.

"I know we aren't supposed to meet until tomorrow morning, but could you maybe come get me now?" she asked, it was a long shot, considering it was nearly 12 am, but Trixie figured she could try. Trixie heard more shuffling on the line and she felt bad for waking up Katya. "You don't have to, I'm okay here if you don't want to, since I woke you up and all".

Katya laughed softly into the phone, making Trixie smile slightly.

"It's okay, I'm already outside and on my bike," She said, a tone of fondness in her voice that Trixie didn't miss. "I'll be there in ten minutes, okay?"

Trixie couldn't help the smile on her face, even if there were still tears there.

"Okay, but be quiet please? My mom will kill me if she knows I'm leaving with you," She said softly, already standing from his bed to change.

"Got it, be there soon," Katya said before she hung up, leaving Trixie to set her phone down and slip into her pink sweater, short shorts already covering her legs.

She tugged on her pink vans and made sure she looked okay before she heard Katya's bike pull up. Trixie took a deep breath, knowing for sure that her mum had heard it. She carefully left her room, shutting the door behind her and walked downstairs, seeing her mom looking at the window.

"What the hell, Trixie?" She said sharply, turning to glare at Trixie. "You aren't leaving with her and that's final."

Trixie could feel the tears resurfacing again and she hated herself for being so damn sensitive.

"Yes I am," she said firmly, although there were tears falling down her face. "I'll be fine and back tomorrow,"

She said before he was out the front door and she could hear her mum trying to protest.

Katya had turned off her bike and glanced up when she heard the door open, smiling as she saw Trixie. But, when the girl got closer and Katya could see the tears, she frowned.

a/n: the good girl is running away oh boi

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