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It was lunch when Trixie saw Katya next, which was different for them. Usually they saw each other between every class, slipping in a quick conversation before they were onto their next class. So, when Trixie was sat under her usual tree and she heard someone sit next to her; she was surprised to see Katya there.

"Hey," Trixie said, closing her geography book softly and setting it to the her side, looking up at Katya's blue eyes. "Holy shit," she muttered, when she saw the forming bruise on Katya's left eye.

Katya only smiled slightly, shrugging as Trixie looked at her. She looked away, looking out onto the small garden they were sat in.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Trixie asked, turning to face Katya fully, only to have Katya look away.

It took Katya a moment to look back at Trixie, but when she did Trixie could feel her heart ache at the pain the girl seemed to be in.

"I... got in a fight," She spoke softly.

Trixie had to stop herself from rolling her eyes, knowing how upset Katya seemed about this.

"Obviously," She said, "but with who? who in their right mind would pick a fight with you?"

"It was Chris," Katya said, eyes glancing away from Trixie as she picked at the grass below them. "And I started the fight. He wasn't expecting it, I just kind of punched him and well, this happened," She said, a sad smile on her face as she pointed at her own eye.

Trixie frowned at Katya's words, tilting her head as she looked at Katya. "What happened with Chris for you to start this?" She asked, making sure to keep her voice soft and gentle.

"He was just-" Katya cut herself off, tilting her head back against the tree they were sat against. "He was talking about you, to our friends, and he was saying horrid things. Chris was talking about you like you were a piece of meat and I just punched him."

Trixie's heart practically swelled with affection for Katya right now, that she actually punched her best friend for her.

"You didn't have to do that," she said, but smiled softly. "I get that a lot from him, and I'm used to it. But, thank you."

Katya smiled, not sadly for once, and shrugged. "I just didn't like it. Chris is a dick and I can't believe I didn't see it before."

"Well I saw it before," Trixie teased slightly before standing up and holding her hand out to Katya. "But right now, I think I should take you to the nurse for some ice for that, yeah?"

Katya gladly took Trixie's soft hand, not letting go until they walked into the nurse's office.

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