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Trixie tapped her finger against her thigh as she glanced over the bunch of shoes she had.

She was getting ready for some party that Amy was having, and Katya would be there to pick her up soon. Trixie never really been to a party before, and she doesn't have any interest in going to one. She doesn't drink or smoke, and to her it's not very entertaining to watch a bunch of other drunk people make out.

But, Katya had asked her to go, and Trixie couldn't say no to Katya.

So, when there was a knock on her front door, Trixie quickly grabbed the purple vans to go with her white short shorts.

She hopped down the stairs, glad her mum was not home to open the door. She would not be happy with Katya at her door. Trixie shook the thoughts from her head before she pulled open her door, smiling widely up at Katya.

"Hey, love," She leaned up to peck her lips gently.

Katya groaned, and when Trixie pulled away from the short peck, Katya grabbed her hips and pulled her back for a longer kiss.

"Hey," She said, kissing Trixie's forehead before she dropped her hands from her hips. "Ready to go?"

Trixie nodded and walked out with Katya, shutting the door behind her before he got onto Katya's bike.

"When did this get fixed?" She asked, a soft smile on her face as she watched Katya get onto the bike.

"My dad helped me a bit the other night," Katya said with a shrug, biting her lip as she also remembered their conversation from that night. She started the bike, smiling a bit when she felt Trixie's arms around her.

They arrived at Amy's only ten minutes later, the house already loud when they walked in. There was people chattering, no one drunk enough yet, and obnoxiously loud music playing.

Trixie scrunched up her nose, keeping a hold of Katya's hands as they weaved through the people. They arrived at the kitchen, and Trixie was glad Katya knew her way around this place.

"Want anything to drink, babe?" Katya asked as she opened the one of many coolers on the kitchen floor.

Trixie shrugged, leaning back against the counter as she watched Katya rifle through the ice.

"Maybe a wine cooler?" She asked, raising her eyebrow as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Katya glanced up at Trixie, furrowing her eyebrows.

"But you said you don't drink?" She asked, voice trailing off slightly at the end.

"I don't usually, but I kind of feel like it tonight".

Also, she wanted to have fun. The last, and only, party she went to was boring, but maybe drinking made it better?

Katya only nodded, not questioning it as she grabbed a beer for herself and some lemonade wine cooler for Trixie. She popped the cap on both of them, handing the one to Trixie.

"Amy's parties are always really good," she said before she sipped her drink. "I got really drunk last time. I don't even remember what happened".

"Well don't be doing that tonight, you came with a date," Trixie teased, nudging her hip with her own before she sipped the sweet drink.

Katya shook her head, a fond smile on her face.

"You know know I wouldn't," She said as she slipped an arm around Trixie's waist to pull the girl closer to her. "I don't really wanna be too hammered around you, it's not a pleasant sight and I don't want you seeing that."

Trixie raised her eyebrow up at Katya,

"Oh really? Sounds kind of entertaining, to be honest." She sipped her drink casually, a small smile on her face. "I wouldn't mind if you did, you should have fun."

Katya scrunched her nose up. "It's not entertaining when I'm puking. Plus, I get too sexual when I'm drunk. I literally tried making out with Courtney one time. It was a fucking mess."

Trixie giggled softly, grazing her fingers over Katya's arm teasingly and tracing over the black ink there. "Well I don't think I would mind if you tried making out with me".

"I'll keep that in mind."

a/n: we getting there

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