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tw: mentions of suicide.


Trixie flinched at the sound, hesitating before she turned around. There, a few feet away, stood Katya, looking as good as ever.

The smaller girl's breath caught in her throat, her fingers immediately fumbling to play with the edge of her top.

"Hey," She mumbled quietly, eyes glancing down at the concrete beneath her feet.

Katya sighed at the sight of Trixie. She hasn't seen the girl be this timid with her since they first met, and Katya didn't like it.

"Do you wanna go talk or something? We can get coffee, if you woud like?" She spoke gently, afraid that if she talked too loudly she would scare Trixie away.

Trixie debated with herself for a moment. She knew she shouldn't miss her next class, but the offer was too tempting.

"I- um, sure," She said before she was following Katya to the car she was just in days before, although Trixie was hoping it would be her motorcycle.

It was an awkward and silent drive to the café, no words were spoken between the two and the tension was thick. Neither of them had much to say at all, a bit too nervous about having to actually talk at the coffee shop. But, once the two were sat in a table near the back, the conversation began.

"Why are you wearing black today?" Katya wanted to smack himself for those being the first words out of her mouth. Not an 'i'm sorry' but that.

Trixie was slightly taken back by Katya's random choice of words, but she kept her eyes casted down to her lap. "I don't know- I just didn't feel like my usual bright attire."

A frown hung on Katya's lips at those words, because she knew she was the reason why.

"Oh," She said softly, chewing at her lip as she ran out of words to say. It was a silent minute or two before Katya's spoke, again. "I'm sorry for yelling at you this weekend, I shouldn't have let my temper get to me like that. I'm really sorry, Trixie, I am. I get how you'd be insecure about whatever we are, I really do. I think the whole reason I got so defensive over it was because I'm insecure about us, too. It scares me to think that just something that Chris said could drive you away from me so easily."

Trixie looked up from her lap when Katya started to ramble. A small smile tugged at her lips as she listened.

"Hey, I'm sorry too," She spoke quietly, "I shouldn't just listen to everything Chris says, especially when he was such a dick to me before this. I trust you, yeah? I promise that to you."

Trixie's small hands reached over the table to rest upon Katya's. "I'm all yours, you don't have to worry about driving me away."

Katya smiled, her hands turning under Trixie's to intertwine their fingers.

"I believe you. But I still think that maybe you deserve the truth about what Chris said? Yeah?"

With a nod from Trixie, Katya was talking again.

"O-okay, so Violet," She started with a small sigh. "We did have sex, Chris has got that part true. But, I wasn't the reason she committed suicide. I wasn't in her letter or whatever bullshit Chris told you. Also, I wasn't planning on just fucking her and leaving her, alright? Like sure, I did do that with everyone else, but not Violet. I actually really liked Violet, like actually liked her, but, I just knew we wouldn't work out. So I did what I usually did, fucked and left. it was a mistake, I know it was, but Chris has turned it into some big lie."

Trixie nodded, taking a deep breath as she looked at Katya. "I believe you, I- I just, you know that Violet was one of my friends, yeah? One of my only ones at school. I mean, we weren't super close, but close enough for me to be affected by her death. So, I guess when I heard Chris say that, something just snapped inside me."

"I get it, you don't need to explain that," Katya squeezed Trixie's hands, running her thumbs over her palms. "I do promise that I'm not doing that to you, Trixie. I'm not just going to have sex with you and then leave, I really fucking like you. A lot," She said with a smile at the smaller girl.

Trixie grinned, nodding. "I know you won't, and I really fucking like you too."

Katya felt relieved then, that all the tension from their fight has been lifted off her shoulders.

"So, you're alright with being unlabeled for now, yeah? I've never done anything like this before, and I just want to do this right."

"I'm okay with that," Trixie said softly, dropping her hands from Katya's to set them in her own lap. "We don't need to rush anything, I just need reassurance sometimes, I'm not exactly the greatest with relationships."

"Can I kiss you? Is that allowed? Because I have been wanting to since we first met."

Trixie's cheeks flushed red and she could feel her stomach flip, and this reminded Katya a lot of that one Sunday they spent together and the same coffee shop.

"Yeah, you bitch, you can kiss me."

And that was all Trixie had to say before Katya was leaning over to press her lips firmly against Trixie's.

a/n: finally oh my god i hate them

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