Chap 3

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I pulled harder on the door but Usui pulled again and wrenched it open. I fell back on my room floor and stood up. "Get out. Of here."
Usui moved slowly towards me, a smile on his lips. "Oh, careful, my lady."
"Get. out."
Usui pulled my room door close and locked it. Great. Now I'm trapped.
I make a dash for the door. "Listen. I dont want you!" I say. "How'd you even get in?"
Usui blocks the door quickly. " Oh. That was easy. Your maid loved me. She said I was such a handsome guy and perfect for you. We talked for a while. She said it would be great if I could get you to laugh again. So I persuaded her to let me wait for you."

I breathe faster. Usui smiles slowly. " Hey, I'm here to talk."
He adds "Listen to me, okay? I'm so sorry about just now. Really. It's just, I was bored. I know I'm a jerk, okay?"
I sit on my bed. "Yeah. You are."
The words suddenly come tumbling out madly. "I can't let you do that anymore. Please. The girls all hate me, you know. They will all hate me. Don't. Please."
Usui gasps in shock. I bet he never knew that. Boys.
He keeps quiet, though. "Okay, I promise I wont do it in public. What if I'm your boyfriend, though?"
I shrug. " I guess. But you are never gonna be my boyfriend anyway!"
Usui sits on the floor and looks around. "Your room is pretty."
I nod.
He doesn't know what to say after. So we just sit quietly. I check my phone. There's a message from Minna.
It says: F OFF USUI.
I gulp suddenly. Minna is scary.
Usui walks over and before I know it, he has grabbed my phone. "Hey!"
He ignores my cry and types something really fast. I try to snatch it back.
Usui smiles slowly again. "Hey. I just told Minna to go screw herself."
"That's not gonna help!" I yell.
"Just kidding," Usui smirks. He typed sorry instead to Minna.
Then suddenly he leans in and pushes me onto my bed. "A-ah!" I say.
"Can I stay over tonight?" Usui whispers huskily.
"No!" I squeal.
I try to wriggle out quickly. As usual I'm not fast enough. Usui suddenly flips me over and I'm lying on top of him. Eew! I roll myself off and end up on the floor. Usui laughs. Then he reaches over and tickles me in my stomach.
"A-ahhh!" I'm giggling like mad now. I can't help it.
Usui does it again. "Stop!! Stooop!"
He chuckles. "(Y/N) you are so kawaii!"
I stick out my tongue. Suddenly I'm feeling a lot better.
I decide to tell him. "Uh, Usui?"
"Huh?" He says.
"I'm gonna transfer to Miyabigaoka."
Usui stares at me in shock. "(Y/N), you shock me."
I feel tears welling up again in my eyes. "I can't stay at Seika. All the girls hate me."
Usui shrugs. "From what I know, the guys love you."
"That's just the problem!"
I sigh again. Tears are leaking out fast. "I'm sorry," I say.
Usui looks puzzled. "For what?"
"For everything."
I try to smile. All my life I've been saying sorry to people. Now I just say it so people dont hate me. It sounds so pathetic.
Usui pulls me close to him and I dont resist. "Oh, its alright. I'll be here, okay?"
I nod pathetically.

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