Chap 8

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I put on my uniform and go to school at Miyabigaoka. Tora greets me happily. "Hey!"
I smile and wave. Tora says "Can you come to my room after school?"
I nod. Maybe its some cool thing!
Tora and I have kind of hit it off. I discovered he likes dramas and anime, too, so we talked about that alot. Tora was intrigued when I explained that I hated money. My parents left me for money. When I was younger, girls were my bestie, because I had money. I hated money.

After school, I knocked on Tora's door. Being the president, he had an entire room to himself.
Tora smiles at me. Then he gestures to the table. "Sit and eat."
He crosses the room to lock the door. I feel a little alarmed. What?
Tora smiles again.
"Well, (Y/N), I have a question for you. Would you like to be my girl?"
My eyes widen in surprise.
Tora explains "I like you. Can you be my girl?"
I shake my head. I dont like him in that way!
Tora's eyes glitter with jealousy. "Must be that Usui guy, right?"
I stammer "N-no!"
Tora rolls his eyes. "I know it is."
He pushes me onto the sofa. I sink down on it immediately and try to scream. Nothing comes out. Tora smirks. "Will you be my girl?"
I shake my head again. "No!" I say.
He pins my arms down on the sofa. I struggle hard. Its no use. I try to kick him. Tora presses himself on top of me. "I ask again. Will you be my girl?"
I cry out in pain. "No!" heavy.
Man, he is.
I know this isn't supposed to be funny but I can't help laughing a little. At the, I dont know, the whole irony of everything.
Soon, though, I'm not laughing anymore.
He isn't doing anything else but lying on top of me. It hurts.
I use all my strength and push him off.  Tora rolls on the floor.
He quickly gets up and pins me to the floor his time.
I can't scream. I have no breath to. Tora kisses me. Hard.
I choke. He is hurting me.
I finally get what Usui meant. But its too late.
I try not to wince as he kisses my cheeks too.
Tora smirks in my face. "Last chance. Do you want to be my girl?"
"No!" I whisper with all the breath I have. "Never."
Oops. I shouldn't have said that. Tora is mad for real. "How do you prefer Usui over me?" He hisses in my face.
Im helpless. A weak little girl. Tora grabs at my collar.
I can see what is coming. I wriggle away quickly and run for the door. Tora gives a howl of rage and I stumble out into the corridor. Maki, his guy, is standing outside. "Get her in!" Tora yells.
Maki swoops down on me and I'm whisked back into Tora's room. Great.
I run wildly around. Tora glares at me. "Come here."
I ignore him.I decide to climb out of the window and run.
Tora stops me. He pushes me on the sofa again. Déjà vu.
I scream in frustration. Why?
Tora glares at me, waiting.
I start to cry. "I'm sorry. I'll go out with you."
My face is burning and tears are running down my cheeks. Tora throws me out of the room. "Get out, see you tomorrow."

Luckily Tora didn't go any further. But...he went too far. Too far!

Tears run down my cheeks as I run home. I hate Tora. I hate myself!
As I'm sobbing in the lift, I bump into Usui. Again. I'm in no mood to talk to him.
Usui looks at me in concern.
"What happened?"
I ignore him and run out of the lift.
Usui follows me into my house. I slam the bedroom door in his face.
I cry and cry and cry. I can't believe I thought Tora was good! I can't believe I got fooled so easily. And I let my guard down.
I cry and cry.
Finally, its nighttime. I dont eat dinner and stay in my room.
Usui knocks on my door. I can hear worry in his voice. "Please tell me what happened."
I start sobbing again. Its horrible. Can I tell Usui?
In the end I tell him. Through the door. At first Usui can't hear what I'm saying, I'm crying so hard. Then I admit it.
"Usui, Tora...he..."
Usui pounds on my door. "Let me in!"
I open it sobbing.
Usui pulls me into a hug. He lets me cry longer.
"I'll kill him," Usui says.
I sob harder.
Usui appears to be thinking.
"How about I transfer to Miyabigaoka?" He says.
I look up at him, my tears stopped for a while.
Usui explains "I can't let you get hurt!"
"I already did anyway," I whisper.
Usui looks at me with intense sadness. "I'm sorry. I wasn't there. I hurt so much whenever you're hurt."
I cover my face.
Usui holds me gently and pats my head slowly.
Then a knock on my door.
I send Usui to open the front door and I can hear voices arguing.
I drag myself up and peel through a crack.
I see Tora. usui. Tora!
I shrink back slightly at seeing his face.
Usui seems to be arguing with Tora. Then I hear Tora say "She agreed to be my girl. What more do you want?"
Usui looks shocked. Tora laughs and says "yes, you didn't know that, did you?"
Usui keeps quiet.
Tora continues "She is just adorable. I have to have her. anyway she agreed to my confession, so she is mine now. Let me go see her."
Usui shakes his head once. Tora punches his stomach.
Usui ducks but he doesn't fight back.
"Shut up Tora. Leave now."
I pull myself up and say.
Usui smiles at me.
Tora pushes past Usui so fast that Usui can't react. He pushes me into my room and slams the door.
Now I'm afraid. Tora could do anything.
I lurch for the door. The door swings open. And I fall into Usui's arms.
"Get him out," I whisper painfully

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