Chap 2

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Just then I hear a voice. "(Y/N)."
I stand up quickly, brushing my tears away. Then I turn my back and start walking off. Seriously, I can't deal with any more crap. I need to go home.
I ignore him.
"I'm sorry. I gave your friends the wrong impression," Usui says, catching up to me.
I shake my head. No. Its me. I'm the problem here.
"I hears everything," Usui explains.
This stops me.
I glare at him. "Just freakin leave me alone."
"I can't. You're hurt."
I trip and give a small cry of frustration. So I yell at him. "Shut up. You dont know anything, okay?"
"I do. Nairu was my best friend in middle school."
I dont wait to hear. I storm off and rush to my house, into my bedroom. This has been a terrible day.
Then my maid knocks on my door. "Hey, got a guy outside for you"
"Tell him to get out."
I have no mercy for him anymore. Just because half the girls love him doesn't mean he can flirt with me and make the girls hate me.
Then my phone rings. Usui again. Seriously? I shut my phone down and ignore it. I hate him.
I lie on my bed the whole afternoon and cry it out. I replay everything in my head. One time. Twice. Three times. And over and over again it plays in my head.
I stare blankly at the walls. I'm all alone now. No family, even. My parents are in Switzerland working. So they left a a maid here and call every week.  But still.

Nairu and I lost contact after a while. We just drifted away, really. I forgot him, and other guys started chasing me, guys I didn't care for. I never liked any guy. Except Nairu, once. But that's it. Since I'm alone, I review every guy that's chased me so far.
Oh, so many. I turned them all down. and what did I get? A bunch of mean stares, gossip about me. Life sure knows how to repay you.
I think about all the girls too. I had many friends at first, really. But gradually, my friends' crushes started to make moves on me. Like talking to me, and trying to grab my hand. So they got really mad. And there was this jerk, Edmond, he pretended he loved me when he really just did it all to turn everyone against me cos he hated me. He succeeded. The girls hated me. Once I did make friends with a loner, called Rona. But she dropped out from school and I was alone again. UGH. IM SO TIRED OF THIS.
Then and there, I made a resolution. I'd switch schools. Go to Miyabigaoka.  instead. My parents would send enough cash. Yes. Perfect.
I poked my head out of the room finally to call my maid, Olly, to tell her. Then I saw Usui.
I quickly shut my room door and was turning the lock when he pulled the door open.

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