Chap 4

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I lean on Usui for a while, trying to relax. He puts his arm around me and pats my hair reassuringly. "I never thought you were that type," he says slowly.
I look up at him and detach myself from his arms. "Huh?"
"You know, like the playgirl kind."
Anger flushes my cheeks. "No,I'm not!"
Usui laughs. "Just kidding, girl. Do you think I'm the playboy type?"
I nod immediately. Of course he is. Usui is just...a playboy. He has an endless string of girls after him. "Seriously, if you are a playgirl and I'm a playboy, we make a good couple, yes?" Usui says while laughing really hard.
I punch him in the arm. "No!I'm not a playgirl! Really!"
Usui lifts an eyebrow and laughs again. I roll my eyes. Then I check the clock. Oh. It's seven already!
I stand up. "I gotta go eat dinner."
Usui nods. "Can I join you, honey pie?"
I flush and shake my head. "Please go home."
Usui sighs and reluctantly stands up. I escort him to my door and push him out. He says "Goodbye, honey pie." I nod and smile slightly.
Then a sound of someone clearing his throat makes me look up. Before I can see who it is, Usui pulls me tight into a hug. As usual I'm caught and can't move. "Usui!" The person says.
I can't hear anything after. Then Usui releases me slowly and looks straight at me. "I'm sorry. Now go back in and eat, okay?"
I shrug, confused, and am about to head back in when a girl appears, hands on her hip. Oh great. Juuust great. Its Minna's other bestie, Helene. Mean as hell, too. She watches Usui leave and then walks to me. "Hey, you. Min told me about you. Making moves on Usui huh?"
"No!" I say.
"Oh? He even came to your house, hugged you, called you honey pie, and you are telling me you and him did nothing together?"
I flush again. Ugh. This crap again! I decide not to answer. Anyway I'll be leaving for Miyabigaoka soon. So I start opening my apartment door and take a step forward. Then Helene pushes me. Hard. "Ah!" I cry. I fall forward onto the metal grill.
Now I'm mad. No one does that to me! I stand up and slam the door in her ugly face. "Be careful, bitch." Helene warns.
I make a rude noise and close my door completely. Ugh. I forgot Helene stays three doors down from me. I rub my cheek again, making sure its okay and not swollen. Great. First I got slapped, then pushed by those jealous girls. I sigh. What a amazing day.

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