Chap 7

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"Its just, I dont know how to start," Usui says finally.
I look at him and smile.
Usui sighs. Suddenly he isn't a stalker or a perfect guy. He's just as normal as all of us.
"See, Tora Igarashi and I are, well. Half cousins," Usui says.
I gape at him in shock. What???
Usui laughs at my expression. "Yeah, that's about it. He's truly a jerk, okay? Please dont go with him."
I shake my head. "I didn't say I would," and shrug. "But...I see it all, man!"
Usui grabs my hand and I jerk away. "So are you gonna pick me or Tora?"
I flush again. "N-neither."
Usui smirks. "Oh, (Y/N), you will choose me one day. Definitely."
I gulp. Its not like I have a preference for either guy!
I realise I'm still holding his hand. I let go fast and turn away.
Just then, my phone rings. Oh. Its Mum and Dad. They always call once a week to check on me.
I answer it.
"Hello, dear?" My mum says.
"Hey," I reply.
"You doing good there?"
I say yes. Usui scrolls through his phone and starts laughing really hard. Mum asks " Who's that?"
I gesture to him to keep quiet and say "Just a past classmate."
Usui goes and grabs my phone out of my hand. He puts it on speaker and starts saying smoothly " hey, aunty! I am your daughter's boyfriend."
I gasp. "No, its not that, Mum!" I squeak.
Mum laughs over the phone. "Great! I've always told (Y/N) to be more sociable. Take care of her!"
Then she hangs up.
I glare at Usui. "Hey!"
Usui comes closer to me, until I can see his deep green eyes.
"Come on, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.
I gape at him. Uhhhh what do I say?
"Give me time," I stammer out.
Usui nods. "anyway, you will choose me one day, I swear it."
I back away quickly.
Usui laughs. "Bye, honey pie!"
I reply "See ya later, alligator."
Usui heads out.
I have some peace with myself for a while. Then I have to start dinner.
The door bell rings.
Rey stands outside.
I gasp. Why is my former friend there?
Rey knocks again. "(Y/N), we have to talk."
I open the door cautiously. Is she like, going to slap me? Like Minna? And her annoying sidekick?
Rey looks down. "I understand if you dont want to talk."
I sigh. "Come in."
Rey sits on the chair in my room. "Listen. I was really shocked when Minna said you, you know, did that to Rachel."
I scuff my foot on the floor. "What does that matter?" It comes out more harshly than I expected.
Rey looks down. "I finally got it. Rachel left suddenly after that incident, and I just thought, it's weird that she suddenly wants to go boarding school. Then Minna said, and it all clicked. Why she left. Why she avoided you."
I bite my lip. "So what?"
Rey replies." What I want to say is, Rachel has forgiven you. She wants to meet you. And I'm sorry. I enjoy your friendship, you know. Can we be friends again?"
I swear, I am completely shocked. At what Rey said.
I speak too. "You know, Rey. I dont deserve this. You know I've never been a nice person."
Rey cuts in. "No! You are!"
I shrug. "Anyway, alright."
Rey smiles finally. "So, how has Miyabigaoka been?"
I laugh. "I feel like a country bumpkin, actually."
Rey laughs. "Oh, how's Usui?"
I open my eyes wide. "HUH?"
Rey smiles.
I shrug again. "Uhhhh, I guess he's okay?"
Rey adds excitedly "by the way, Minna and I aren't friends anymore. Oh and see my new boyfriend?"
I nod. She shows me a photo. I dont recognise him.
Rey sighs in happiness. "I'm so glad we are okay again."
"Same," I admit.

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