Chap 20

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omigosh i'm soooo happy to get 930 reads!!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE who's been reading this story!!!! Okay so uh I need to apologise first.I'm having a major writer's block now. So sadly, I'm probably going to end this story. Sorry about that guys. BUT I may publish a new one about tora/maki this time? I always found these  interesting. I mean, so mysterious! Okay anyway I'M SORRY THAT IM ENDING THIS. I liked writing it though! 

Also, I have alot of new ideas for other stories, which I will write after exams. Hope you guys can check them out!

Also I'm promoting someone's story here. The account is called gemiorin so pls go check it out and read!!! Vote as well, thank you! (It's not my account) Please do it tho! At least look at it.

Well, I guess yeah I should technically be promoting my own too, so hey pls vote on mine and comment or anything! my exams are in 10 DAYS what am I doing here?????

So here goes for the last chapter TT.

We spend the rest of the day going on everything BUT the haunted house. Usui tells ms about some horror movie called the Nun or something, I don't know.But it sounds really scary.

"Why do you watch horror anyway?" I ask as we queue up for cotton candy.

He shrugs. "So I can scare you?"

What sort of...Never mind. I glare at him.

He laughs. 

Usui rarely laughs. And when he does, it's usually something weird that he's laughing at. Weirdo. I glance at him.

He grins down at me. "You looked so cute just now. Like a tiny fairy being angry is so entertaining." 

I blink. "What?"

"Never mind."

We get a cotton candy for Usui who wanted it. "Lick it," he says as we walk away from the stall.

I shake my head. I hate getting my mouth all sticky.

Usui pats my head." Eat it. You barely ate the whole day."

I shake my head again, slightly embarrassed to tell him the truth. "I-I can't. Actresses have to watch their weight."

He looks at me in concern. "Are you sure? It's bad for you. You have to eat more."

I turn away. Of course I do. It's just that, being an actress-in-training, we have to watch our weight. Eat more salads and fruits, less sweets. It sucks, but I know that I have to persevere. Yes, I've gone to bed hungry before. But so has every one of my friends. Including Li En. She's very careful with her calories. 

I don't tell Usui about how they weigh us publicly every week. And announce our weight. It always feels bad to be the heaviest. And it's not that they eat alot, either. It's just their body. It's natural. I feel terrible for them.

Maybe I should quit acting.

Usui pulls on my hand. "Hey. I love you, okay?"

I nod.

We are tired now, so we just sit on the pavements and watch the sky. It's turning darker slowly. The stars come out, twinkling in the black sky. 

Then the Disneyland parade starts. I see all the princesses. Especially Cinderella, my favourite! Usui smiles to himself. " So you're secretly a Cinderella fan. I'll add that to my info list about you." 

Instead of replying, I just lean on him. He slips an arm around my shoulder. "Remember, (Y/N), I'll always be there for you. And you're always in my heart." he whispers.

AND IT'S THE END!!!! //FIREWORKS// sorry if it wasn't as cute as you wanted it to be. Anyway, the rest is up to you. But to me, they eventually got married, and had some kids! 

Hey guys I'm back! Ugh, looking back I can't help but feel embarrassed by my immature writing. No matter, what's done is done. It's still embarrassing, though. Although at least it was entertaining to some of you, seeing that you're still here. (distant screaming) Gods, it's actually embarrassing. Why did I sound so enthu and all that? 

Well, anyway, I updated this to ask you guys, if you are interested, to read a new story called Devilish Love. Hope you can drop by if you have time and if you want to read it. If not, that's okay too! Personally, the writing is more mature there, and hopefully better grammar. Also, I made myself stick to around the same number of words per chapter, so it isn't choppy and all. So I hope you check it out. Thank you for your support in this story, though! 11K means so much to me, and I hope my new story can get reads too.

See you! Have a nice day/night ahead!

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