Chap 5

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I wake up and stretch luxuriously. I lie in bed for a while, wanting to stay in bed all day. Then my alarm clock rings. I turn it off quickly and roll over to see the date. Monday!
I'm reminded by Miyabigaoka. I have to go to my new school today! Suddenly energised, I jump up and take my Miyabigaoka uniform down from where its hanging. My maid Olly just washed it yesterday. It's fresh smelling. Just like my fresh start, right?
I smile. Hopefully Miyabigaoka will be better than Seika. Then as I'm wiggling into the uniform, my phone rings. I check the caller ID. Oh. Usui? Why would he call?
He is just above my apartment anyway, we are practically neighbours. I pick up. "Hey, (Y/N). Just wanting to tell you. Have fun at tour new school!"
I say thanks and hang up. If I want to be getting to Miyabigaoka early, I have to hurry up. I grab my backpack and a granola bar and say bye to Olly, then I head out.
To my surprise, Usui is leaning against the corridor walls waiting for me. The sunlight shines on his golden curls, making them look even more golden. I say hi to him casually. "Hey," he replies.
"Bye, I have to go," I explain.
Usui follows me into the lift. I press "1" and it starts moving. "Uh, what are you doing?" I ask.
Usui doesn't reply. He leans on the railing in the lift opposite from me, frowning. Then he starts speaking. "Hey, you have to be careful of some Miyabigaoka guys, okay?"
I shrug. "They can't be worse than Seika guys, right?"
"They can! Trust me!" Usui's voice rises louder.
I nod anyway. Usui is getting weirder and weirder, really. Just saying.
I step out of the lift and leave Usui behind. He doesn't try to follow, for once.

Once I step into Miyabigaoka, its like a whole different world. Everywhere you look, it oozes richness and prestige. I'm awed. Then I hear a voice.
"Are you new?"
I turn and see a golden haired guy. He is really tall and has a black hair guy standing next to him, plus a whole long line of girls behind. I instinctively do not want to say anything. Not now. Not anything that will make people hate me.
He asks again, kindly. Finally, I give a small nod. "Yeah."
He smirks at me. "Hi, I'm Tora Igarashi. I'm the president of Miyabigaoka. This is Maki. Do you want me to show you around?"
I shake my head.
I'm trying to be as quiet as I can and not attract any attention. Then some upperclassmen swish by. "Wow, she's hot!"
Instantly I blush. "Uh, can you just tell me where my class is?"
Tora nods. "Maki, check for (Y/N)'s class."
Maki closes his eyes for a moment, then rattles off "She's in Elite 2."
Tora smiles. "So am I. Come on, I'll show you the class."
I nod. I feel really grateful to him. I mean, I was so lost and he helped me. Immediately I decide I like this president. He's gentlemanly and polite, not like Seika guys at all.

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