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My hand on the door, I turned back to take a last glance at the house.


Great. Just the person I wanted to see.

I mentally groaned as I turned around to face him.


"What do you mean? Where are you going?"


"This is your home,"

"I don't want to live with a liar, or call the house of a liar my home,"

"Angel... what are you talking about?"

"Oh? What am I talking about? Stop faking it Cai Xukun. Your dad? The ex president? You willingly joining the competition? You dad not wanting you to join the competition? I know it all, Xukun. All," I snarled.

"Wait. I can explain- I-"

"Quit explaining, Xukun. You lied to me multiple times and nothing is going to change that fact,"

"What about our promise? Our promise to run away to the galaxy? To the milky way? To run away together?"

"I have no intention of running away with you. I have no intention of running away together, to wherever,"

"The only intention I have is to run away from you,"

And with that, and a slam of a door, I was alone, outside their house, half regretful of what I said.

"Angel!" Xukun shouted as he ran after me.

"For fuck's sake, what do you want now, Cai?"

"Le-Let me explain. Hm?"

"Fine. Tell me everything, Cai. I demand to know everything,"

"About my dad... well.... he is the ex president. Sorry for not telling you,"

"I was actually on his side. He actually asked me to bring you to him, a few weeks ago,"

"But no, I said, I refused. Why? Though on his side, I loved you, Valarie. I love you so much, I couldn't, wouldn't, give you to a monster like him,"

"And uhh about the lying part, I didn't want you to see me as a murderer, Val. I don't want to lose you, even though I'm a murderer. If I told you, I willingly joined the competition despite knowing what the job did, would you still love me? Would you still regard me as your boyfriend? I don't think so, Val. I think you'd regard me as a monster. I love you to death, Val. Really. I only lied to you because I didn't want to lose you,"

"Do you even really love me? Or is that a lie too?" I cried.

"It's the truth. Can't you see it in my eyes? I'm telling the truth, when I say that I love you,"

"All I can see in those eyes of yours are lies Cai, lies. I don't even know what to believe anymore, you know? I love you to death, but you lied to me, deceived me, tricked me. And I hate liars the most, you know that? I already gave you a chance and believed you after you lied to me about coming in for a cup of tea or whatsoever. I forgave and believed you. But now... you... again..."

"Tell me Valarie Lin. Tell me, truthfully, would you still love me if I said all those things that day? Would you still love a murderer, me, a person who willingly takes up the job or a murderer?"

I looked down, fiddling with my fingers.


"Look up and answer me, look in my eyes and answer me. Would you still love a monster and murderer with me?"

"Yes," I answered confidently.

"Can't you see how much I love you, love? I love you so much, so so much, til I'm willing to continue loving you, even if you murder. Willingly. Couldn't you see it in my eyes, see that my love for you is unconditional?" I questioned.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't see it, " Xukun sobbed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't trust you enough to love me, I didn't think anyone would love such a nightmare, a monster, like me,"

"Will you forgive me, love?" He whispered

My lips traced his jawline before wiping the tears away his flawless face.

I didn't care if I forgave too easily. I couldn't help it.

"I forgive you, love, I forgive you," I said as I crashed my lips on his, taking in his warmth. My hands roam his chest as I felt his beating heart, which felt like it was beating a million beats per second.

As the soft breeze caressed our face leaped between the empty space between us, the lies coming out of his pretty mouth, when confidence didn't come his way, became unnoticed, because of my love for him.

"Take me to the chasm in your heart, Xukun, that dark abyss called your heart," I muttered as my lips separated from his.

"Stay with me, my angel, I need your light to live, stay with me, to take the pain away, to take away all my fears,"

"I will," I whispered. Before I even realised, his hands were around me. I felt the sinking feeling of helplessness, the surging tide of warmth which left me limp. He kissed me softly at first but swiftly held the back of my head closer to his, kissing me deeper with more passion. Tremors went along my nerves as I felt giddy from happiness.

Losing our breaths, his mouth separated from my parted, shaking lips.

"I love you. So much," he muttered out.

"Me too,"

Milky way; Cai Xukun [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now