#1/Steve Rogers

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(A/N this is my FIRST TRY at something like this, be nice, please.)

Reader's POV:
"What in the actual FUCK DID YOU DO?!" You screamed at Clint whose laugh slowly died because of your anger. You see, he disappeared all the coffee in Stark Tower, you 'need' coffee to live. Clint wrongly thought it would be a harmless prank, going against advice from everyone on the team (minus tony, he wanted to see you attack Clint).

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down. No need to scream." Clint put his hands in the air as he slowly backed away from the kitchen.

"I'm going to rip you to pieces bird brain." You proceeded to leap over the island and land right on top of good ol' Steve Rogers. Clint cackled as he got away but you were too distracted by embarrassment to chase him.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so fucking sorry! Wait shit! You don't like cursing! Damn it I'm still on top of you! Fuck I did it again! What the fuck?!" You rambled while standing up and away from Steve, the man you had a crush on for a llllooonnnngggg time.

"Language, y/n." He smirked at you playfully until you sprinted out to catch the Emu and escape further embarrassment.

"You're dead you fuckin' emu!!" You shouted as you ran around the tower.


"Are you done yet?" Natasha asked as she walked by you glaring at Clint while he sat in a giant bird cage.

"Nope, might keep him in there a few days, make him learn his lesson." Nat rolled her eyes but continued on. You then heard her yell for Steve.

"NOOoOOoOO!! He'll best me in battle and let emu out!" You shouted dramatically, you grabbed the icer from your desk and shot Clint so he wouldn't escape. America walked in casually with his usual resigned dad face on.

"Let him out y/n, I'll use force." His voice was incredibly monotone, he sounded dead inside. Suddenly an idea struck you. You smiled wickedly at your evil evil plan.

'Fine go let him out." You tossed the keys to Steve but the second his back was turned you iced him. He conveniently fell into the cage, you closed and locked it.

"I'm the captain now." You whispered to yourself as you proudly sauntered out of the room.

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