#17/Bucky B.

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A/N real quick. I take requests btw, just DM with details and I'll see if I can write it. ALSO, listen to the above song while reading this, it fits wonderfully.


"Where's my mother fucking boyfriend?" You spoke calmly with underlying aggression when you walked into Fury's office. He looked surprised and mildly scared to see you in his office. You were a former KGB/CIA/HYDRA agent, now contracting to SHIELD. You had no true loyalty to any agency, combat skills that made The Black Widow (All love to my Babe RIP) look like an incompetent toddler, an unclear origin story (no one knows where you came from) and only one thing left to lose -Bucky. Fury knew for a fact that you wouldn't hesitate to kill his ass for not giving you information.

"He's been MIA for two days, we lost him in the Swiss Alps. We got word that an extremist group was forming and sent him out to exterminate the problem." Fury explained quickly, with false confidence in his voice. He could see that you were livid. You were one mis-phrased response from killing everyone.

"You sent Bucky, a man who fell off a train in the mountains into snow, lost his arm to said mountains then was kidnapped and enslaved." You paused to breathe, you were too angry to think, "Did he go alone?"

The silence was all the answer you needed. "I swear to god if he is dead or the Winter Soldier again I will find you and I will kill you, you'll be first on my list."

"Yes ma'am." Fury respectfully responded while you sped out of his office to a quinjet. You were only borrowing for awhile, no one would miss it.

"Y/n!" You heard Steve call out behind you. You groaned softly, you loved the man like a brother but he was too moral. You were morally flexible, you didn't care if you had to kill someone for information, he however did.

"Hurry up puppy!" You shouted over your soldier. You were checking everything on the jet, making sure it was ready to go.

"You promised not to call me that anymore!" He whined as soon as he entered the jet.

"I lied, now close the doors, we are about to bounce." You ordered him around easily. He listened to you like an obedient dog, mostly because you scared him. Hell, you scared Loki. Loki was convinced you were an old war goddess he knew a millennia ago.

~~Time Skip brought to you by our entire fandom aggressively ignoring the end of EndGame.~~

"Do as I say, stay out of my way." You pointed firmly at Steve as you got ready to kick major ass. He simply saluted you before walking out.

"Find Bucky and get the fuck in the jet, I'm gonna clean this place out." You added with an evil smirk.

"Be careful not to get shot and die, Bucky would never let it go." Steve spoke, genuine worry in his words.

"Bold of you to assume I will meet a mortal End."

You kicked open the steel front doors, startling the people inside. When they saw you and Steve their guns instantly went up.

"That won't be necessary." You smirked, steeling Cap's shield, yeeting it at them. With the distraction you were able to efficiently remove the man's gun who was closest to you. You instantly shot him between the eyes, then shot the other two who were passed out on the ground from Steve's beating. (You knew full well that it was a war crime, you just didn't care.)

"Really y/n?" Steve whined.

"Yes Steve, murder is my default now get Bucky." He rolled his eyes then ran off, fighting men as he went. You ran in the opposite direction, killing as you went, trying to find the control room or munitions room. You had only killed twelve men by the time you made it to the stairwell. In it was at least 20 men racing in your direction.

You took them out with an efficiency and grace that rivalled Loki's murders. The men just kept coming, making it difficult for you to continue your personal mission of revenge. You were fed up by the 25th opponent, you ripped his tongue out and shoved it down his throat before pushing him down the middle area of the stairwell. The remaining men looked at you in horror.

"Mon Dieu..." (Translation= my god.)

"Il n'y a pas de dieu, seulement moi." (Rough Translation= There is no god, only me.)

You could see the remaining men collectively shit themselves. You stole a dead man's gun faster than they could detect and shot each one in the forehead, leaving you with one bullet. You sprinted down the stairs hoping you were going in the right direction. You eventually saw a door with the word "Munitions" printed on it.

"Jackpot." You smirked before walking in, in it men were already waiting, guns drawn. You took them down quickly.

"Let's blow some shit up

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"Let's blow some shit up."

~~Time skip because I'm a lazy writer~~

"Where is she Steve? It's been over 15 minutes, what if she's hurt?" Bucky whined to Steve.

"I'm sure she's fi-" Steve began but was promptly cut off by your screaming.

"Start the jet, start the mother fucking jet! If you don't start it right now I WILL KILL YOU!" Steve and Bucky were instantly up, getting the jet going, you jumped in, slammed the door shut then sprinted to the pilots seat.

"Y/n what's wro-" Bucky started before you put your hand over his mouth.

"Not right now, we've got to go, like yesterday." You explained, you felt the mountain begin to rumble. "Shit, buckle up bitches because it's about to get bumpy."
They instantly strapped in, within a millisecond you were airborne, right as the mountain began to explode.

"Did you really have to do that?" Steve asked tiredly. You only cackled at him, he knew you, he already knew that you were going to do exactly that.

"How are you Bucky?" You asked kindly to the love of your life. He was situated in the co-Pilot's seat, obviously not doing anything.

"Better now that I'm not a prisoner." He spoke calmly. You gave him a once over, he only had a few bruises and cuts- nothing permanent. You reached over and grasped his hand in comfort.

It was good having your boy back.

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