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"Oh shit!" You screamed and immediately started running in the opposite direction of the grenade you accidentally pulled the pin out of. It was honestly an accident, it got caught on your sleeve and you pulled, not knowing what it was. When you did you ran. You were only in the middle of a field in Wyoming, no one was going to get hurt, well, maybe you.

"Hey are you y/n?" Two men appeared in front of you while you were running for your life.

"Depends on who's asking but right now you two should probably start running." You answered without slowing down, passing them quickly. They both didn't move, you glanced back as you heard the explosion, the taller man backed away putting his hands up while the shorter man yelled, running towards you.

"You should've ran!" You yelled from your safe spot 20 yards away. The tall man grunted from his spot, looking at his singed arm. You waited until the dust settled to go up to the tall man and help him. You softly grabbed his arm, making him hiss in pain.

"Oh man up." You spoke condescendingly before waving your hand over his arm, healing it completely. Both men looked shocked at what you did.

"Now what do you two want and how did you find me?" You released the man and addressed them together.

"I am Charles Xavier and this is-" "Erik Lehnsherr, how did you do that? I thought your mutation was energy manipulation." Both men looked puzzled.

"Nice to meet you both and that is simply the mutation I allow people to know of." You responded knowingly. They still looked confused by you.

"Yes, I can manipulate energy but I can also manipulate atoms." You explained the two men. You could tell Charles was trying to read your mind.

"You can't get up here when I don't want you to." You pointed to your head, making direct eye contact with Charles. You then entered his mind.

'But I can enter yours whenever I please.' Charles stepped back in shock from your intrusion. Erik only watched on, still not understanding the situation.

"What is going on?" He broke the silence after a minute.

"Charles here just found out what I'm capable of and he's scared. But there truly isn't a reason to be scared. I just want to live out my life in peace." You explained to them both, wanting them to leave.

"But we need your help, there's a man who wants to take away everyone's peace." Charles began to argue with you.

"I already know, I saw him in your mind. You could always ask me to just kill him and his followers now. I could do it from my living room." You offered the once again shocked men.

"No don't kill-"Charles started but was interrupted by Erik.

"Can you bring him here for me to kill?" You smiled evilly, showing your true colours.

"Of course."

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