#4/not really anything

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"What do you want Y/n?" Steve responded to your pouty question. He looked up from his book to see you and Bucky standing next to each other with your hands on your hips and eyebrows raised.

"Who is cuter? Bucky or me?" You responded as Bucky moved to push you away. Steve sat for a moment, wondering what all the possible outcomes of the conversation would be.

"Why?" Steve was still unsure if this was a trap set by Bucky.

"Y/n thinks she is cuter than me!" Bucky pointed an accusing finger at you.

"I'm not wrong! Plus you started this conversation first!" You threw your hands in the air out of frustration.

"Ok ok, you're both cute BUT," Steve paused for dramatic effect. "Nat is the cutest."

"Your judgment doesn't count it's biased!!" You and Bucky both yelled at Steve as he began to laugh.

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