#13/Peter P.

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A/n so in this the reader is Harley's twin sister. Harley is from Iron Man if you didn't know.

"HARLEY!!!!" You screamed at your brother as you tried to find your favorite sweater, which you stole from him.

"Y/N!!!!" Harley mocked you while laughing. You simply glared at him. You noticed he was holding the sweater behind his back.

"I need my sweater before I leave for New York!" You whined, causing him to smile evilly at you.

"You'll have to fight me for it!" Your stronger  older brother told you with a smirk.

"Fuck you too." You yelled before jumping on  him.


"I'll miss you little sis while you're taking epic photos of the Big Apple! Stay safe! Tony knows you're going to be in town so if you need anything you can go to him." Harley paused for a moment as if thinking of what else to tell you before you get on your flight to New York.

"I think I've got it all Harls." You patted his shoulder, grabbed your bags, and turned to leave.

"WAIT!" He called out in a panicked state resulting in you turning to him again, "NO boys whatsoever! None!"

"I'm sure I'll be fine out there." You waved him off. You were leaving to New York for a photography workshop that would last four years. You were leaving your hometown for the big city all alone.


"As it turns out, I'm not fine." You spoke quietly while looking into the distance 'Office Style.' You were surrounded by some creepy gang bangers in a Manhattan alley and you had no clue what to do.

"You're gonna be a fun one." An ugly looking man with a gold tooth spit at you, advancing slowly.

"I think you should leave the lady alone." A guy in Pj's stopped the weirdos. You didn't even give it a second thought before you made a break for it.

"BYE BITCHES!!!" You screamed, running away with your dignity and life. The gang bangers went to chase you but the Pj guy stopped them with, webs? You just ran faster away from the situation, back towards your apartment. You had ran roughly four blocks when you stopped, only to be snatched into an alley again.

"I swear to God I will fuck you up." Your tone was deadly as you looked at your attacker. It was the one and only Pj guy.

"Please don't lady! I'm only trying to make sure you're okay." The Pj guy threw his hands into the air. You sighed heavily before nodding a yes at the man.

"I'm fine, but what is it with you and those Pjs?" You responded to him, eyeing him up and down. He shifted from foot to foot nervously.

"I'm Spider-Man!" He responded half heartedly. It seemed he was disappointed that you didn't know who he was at first glance.

"Oh the public menace in spandex!" You joked loudly resulting in him crossing his arms like a toddler.

"You're mean..." he trailed off.

"No one said I was nice." You replied.


"And that is how we met Harley." You finished telling your brother the story of how you and Peter met a year ago. Harley seemed to be glitching out from either stress or anger, it wasn't clear.

"You're first words to him were 'I swear to God I will fuck you up'? I could never be more proud of you!" He jumped up, pulling you into a massive bear hug.

"If you hurt her Parker I will crush your soul." Harley spoke the second you two stopped hugging. Peter just stood there with a mildly terrified look on his face.

"Hurting her would crush my soul."

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