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"I swear to fuck! I will kill you Thor!" You yell at the god of thunder as he finished off the last pop tart in the tower.

"You can't kill me, I'm a god." He responded in a half joke, half egomaniac manner. Thor was like your weird older brother that irritated you to the ends of the universe.

"Loki can!" You smiled as you ran through the tower to find Loki to avenge your fallen pop tarts. "He likes me more than he likes you so he'll help me." You giggled while you listened to Thor try to chase you, tripping over your plethora of books.

"Y/n please, I'll retrieve you new pop tarts, just don't irritate Loki!" He tripped once again onto your grey leather couch. You laughed as you turned into the hallway that led to your private library (that Loki used on a regular basis) calling out for the Asgardian. When you entered your library you saw him in the corner between the window and mystery novels.

"Y/n? Why are you running?" Loki slowly put down his book looking slightly worried for your wellbeing. Loki had been in love with you since he first saw you in the Battle of New York. He loved your e/c eyes, the way they were always sparkling from happiness. He loved your h/c hair and the way it flowed in the light. He loved (but also hated) how you would manipulate the probability of something happening around you. (A/N that is your superpower btw) He just loves you.

"I'm fine but I need you to kill Thor." You rushed your words as you heard the blonde rushing down the hall towards the library. Loki tilted his head in amusement when you moved to stand behind him for protection.


"He ate the last pop tart! It had my name on it!" Loki laughed at your reasoning but seemed to also agree to your punishment. In that moment Thor finally made it into the room.

"Did you ask him?" Thor asked with wild eyes, you knew Loki would never actually KILL Thor, he would only mame or seriously injure.

"Yeppers, and he thinks you're a dick." You answered his question with a childish nod. Thor gapped at Loki who only smirked.

"I did not say he was a dick!" Loki turned on you quickly.

"I said THINKS, you think he's a dick and I'm not wrong." You remind him of the words you used, using his own game against him. Loki looked mildly impressed with you before he put his left hand in the air and turned back to Thor.

"I won't hurt you as long as you leave y/n here with me." He smirked at you as lightning McQueen left the room. You knew that look, he was going to do something evil.

"Don't you dare!" You put distance between you two as you tried to find your escape. There was only the door and your superpowers but you had made a deal with Steve and Tony that you wouldn't do that. The last time you did the tower almost collapsed.

"Dare what?" Loki taunted you as he slowly closed the gap. When he finally backed you against the wall you were trapped in a corner.

"Don't do anything too mean." You looked up into his strikingly green eyes as he looked down into your e/c eyes. While you were distracted he began tickling your sides resulting in you doubling over in laughter.

"St-o-o-op!!" You stuttered out because you couldn't breathe through the laughter.

"I'll stop for a kiss." Loki's cheeky self began to show through. He stopped tickling you because he was too distracted trying to memorise your face. You leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek but he turned his head to lock lips. You were shocked at first but returned the kiss.


"Yes y/n?"

"If you tickle me again I will destroy you."


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