#9/How you meet

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"Well shit," was the only thing you could mutter to yourself as you realised you had lost your apartment key, "well this isn't ideal."

You had a pretty rough day as far as Thursdays go. It was pouring outside, you woke up late, your manager had yelled at you for something your coworker did, and finally, you lost your keys.

"Do you need help ma'am?" A deep voice asked worried as you stood with your head against your door with your eyes shut.

"Yeah but I don't think you'd be much help." You muttered without looking at him. You were too tired for social interaction, you just wanted a bottle of scotch to wash the day away.

"I think I could be if you told me your problem," the man persisted, "I'm Steve by the way."

You turned and saw one of the most gorgeous beings ever standing in front of you with their hand out. He was extremely tall with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Well Steve, I'm y/n and I'm very locked out of my apartment." You took his hand, it was softer and warmer than it looked.

"Why don't you just go talk to the landlord?" Steve asked the obvious which you actually didn't think of.

"You're a genius." You hugged him quickly before starting to speed walk to the elevators.

"I know!" He called back jokingly.

                ———————————-Bucky:"YOU'RE GONNA DIE CLOWN!!" You yelled at your game loudly in your apartment at one in the morning

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"YOU'RE GONNA DIE CLOWN!!" You yelled at your game loudly in your apartment at one in the morning. Suddenly there was loud knocking on your door. You paused your game and carefully went to answer your door. It was your incredibly attractive neighbour.

"Oh hey," you smiled awkwardly at him, half hiding behind your door as you were only wearing a bra and underwear.

"Are you okay in here? I heard yelling?" He asked worried as he observed what he could inside your apartment.

"I'm just being loud while playing video games. Why are you up?"

                ———————————-Tony:"For the last time Happy, I don't want to go to work with you

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"For the last time Happy, I don't want to go to work with you." You groaned heavily at your younger brother. He had been trying to get you to go with him to Stark Towers for years but you always refused. You had better things to do.

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