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A/N I am so sorry

Infinity War 2020

"Heimdall you need to get Bruce out of here! Thanos is going to kill him!" Everything was going so fast. Just this morning I was drinking with the Grandmaster in Sikar and now I'm heading to Earth with Asgardian refugees. Time flies when your life is threatened I guess. 

"I've always wanted to kill you, Agrona, child of the Soul." The Maw's creepy voice gave me the chills. The screams of dying Asgardians only amplified his desired affect on me. He had always had it out for me, ever since he was old enough to start fighting in the big leagues. It was probably because I killed his mother, but who could know for sure?

"Oh god, please don't monologue, I haven't got all eternity you know?" I pause to get a good look at him, he was struggling. He had fought someone to get to me, Loki probably. Maw was not in good shape, a few stab wounds and a limp. "Actually I do have all eternity, everyone knows that. You know who doesn't have forever? Your mom." 

The Maw instantly leaped at me, ready to kill, ready for revenge and it showed. He was sloppy, leaving himself open to any attack. I simply side stepped him, choosing to dance with the angry Squidward look-alike. This visibly made him angrier. He was using his abilities to throw things at me, I simply shredded them to atoms with a thought. 

"Fight me you snake!" I was getting tired of his weak attempts at my immortal soul and decided it was time to divorce his soul from his body. But, to his luck Thanos used his stones to command the room and bring Maw back to safety. I saw Thor encased in metal and Heimdall bleeding out in the center of the large room. Thanos stepped over his body as if it were nothing, as if Heimdall hadn't saved this universe multiple times. 

Loki's voice stopped the room in its tracks. Of course he had something to say in a time like this. "If I might interject. If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that area." Of fucking course the love of my life would try to manipulate the mad titan.

"If you consider failure experience." Sick Burn. 

"I consider experience experience. Almighty Thanos... I, Loki, prince of Asgard... Odinson... the rightful king of the Jotunheim... god of mischief... do hereby pledge to you... my undying fidelity." Oh Fuck. Loki's silvertongue is going to get him killed for real one of these days. What does he expect to do now that he's pledged himself to a madman? Hasn't he already learned this lesson? 

Loki's next movements seemed to be in slow motion as he went to stab Thanos but was roughly stopped. Loki turned to me with a sad smile and eyes that knew the end of our story was coming. 

"Darling, I'm afraid this time might be real, I love you, mon âme." Thanos wrapped his massive purple hand around Loki's throat. I wanted to help, I truly did but I was frozen. I know Loki was saying something else but all I heard was a loud buzzing as my world crashed around me. I was watching my heart and soul get his neck crushed. All the fires, bodies, blood, and pain faded out of reality as I watched Loki's body drop. The second he made contact with the ground the world came back to me. I looked to Thanos, nothing but revenge on my mind. Thanos seemed to finally realize I was on the ship. His eyes, those disgusting purple eyes, filled with realization and fear. 

I knew Thanos was going to use the newly acquired Space stone to evacuate. Now was not that time for revenge. "Thanos!! I will hurt you for this. I don't know how yet, but give me time. A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid."

The last I saw of Thanos was his fearful purple gaze. He should have realized that coming after the people I love would result in violent retribution. 

Endgame 2025

"Agrona, grab the tesseract and let's go!" 


"Agrona are you okay?"

Not really, I thought, I was looking at Loki. 2012 Loki, but still Loki. I hadn't seen him in five years and there he is, so close yet so far. Before I knew it Scott had jumped in and kicked the case to 2025 Tony. Tony and Scott left the tower quickly before anyone could see, I had not been so lucky. Loki caught sight of me in the shadows staring at him. He seemed to have his mother's ability to tell when someone is not from this time. 

"Be safe, mon âme." And I was gone, heading to the designated meeting point in an alley.

"What the hell was that Agrona? Why'd you freeze?" Tony's stressed dad voice graced my ears the second he saw me. He seemed to forget that I am millions of years older than him.

I saw red for a moment, I love Tony, I really do. He just forgets that other people have emotions sometimes. "I just saw my dead fiance for the first time since I WATCHED HIM DIE! So excuse me if I'm a little off. We have the stones, let's just get back to 2025 and fix this shit."

Thanos had just rocked our shit. I was standing shoulder to shoulder with Steve and Thor, Tony a step further down from us. We were looking at Thanos sitting in the middle of the rubble, sharpening his sword. He seemed so calm, too calm. 

"You think it's a trap?"

"Oh yeah."

"Do we care?"

"Not really."

"Do we finally get to kill this big purple barney knock off?" I saw Thanos' head shoot up when he heard my voice. Good. He may be from 2014 but he's still the same mad titan that was raised on stories of my violence. All four of us launched ourselves down at him, aiming to kill Thanos. 

Everything moved so fast, Tony got knocked off somewhere, probably dead. Then Thanos pushed Thor down and tried to slice into him. Thors hammer flying into Thanos then to Steve. Thanos sent Thor flying and possibly dead. Then he turned his fight to me. He hesitated for a moment before stepping towards me. He knew he couldn't kill me but the mad titan felt he needed to finish his mission. He flung my body nearly half a mile back before he did the same to Steve. 

We are it, everyone else is dead or dying. Steve and I are the last ones standing. I had met the kid back in the 40s right before he gained all his extra muscle. I held him up after Bucky died and and he held me up after Loki died. We had each other's backs for decades. We had fought hundreds of battles together but this one is the biggest. The scariest. We are the only two people left to stop Thanos. To save the universe. 

I use my atom manipulation to fix his broken arm before standing up with him. The army is huge, it looks like there are millions of them. "You think we can take em stevie?"

A/N So anyways, I am thinking of making this a book. Lemme know what you think. Again, I am so sorry. 

Mon ame = my soul

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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