#12/Bucky B.

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A/N Real quick thank you to buckyandparkerfan for liking my last few chapters! I really appreciate it and it motivates me to write more! 💚💚
1646 words
Now on with the show

You were Sam's adopted little sister and in your opinion the cooler sibling. You were the one with special powers and the brains. Naturally you were involved with the Avengers. Now, you weren't an Avenger, you just popped up to occasionally help them if things got too rough. So naturally you would help your brother when he called you from Berlin. You already knew everything about the situation, you were previously assisting Bucky in remembering his old life.

So here you are, a parking Garage in Berlin waiting on everyone to arrive to show yourself. At that moment in time you were invisible. You watched as the VW arrive with your brother, Steve, and Bucky shoved inside. Then the van with Clint, Wanda, and Scott (who you had already met).

They were talking about the situation at hand when you decided to pop up next to Scott.

"Hello there." You smiled like Cheshire Cat.

"Holy shit what the fuck!" Scott screamed, jumping away from you, into Wanda. Everyone else looked unimpressed with your antics. (Get it ANTics and you scared Scott, no? Wow tough crowd).

"Seriously y/n? You don't even know him." Sam scolded you.

"Actually I do, we met after he got out of prison. He found me, asked for a favour, and now he owes me." You quickly explained, throwing your arm over Scott's shoulder. He just glared at you.

"Hey y/n/n, how've you been?" Steve asked, pulling you in for a hug. You hugged the massive teddy bear back.

"Good, just manipulating the universe so I get what I want." You explained jokingly.

"That's what we need your help with..." Bucky stepped in, giving you a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. Alarming Sam immensely. 

"Careful James..." sam warned.

"Anyway, what do you need me to change?" You quickly diverted everyone's attention to the matter at hand.

"The civil war, Bucky's mental state, and the world's POV on people with special abilities." Steve explained. You nodded, thinking of what to do first.

"Okay, it may take awhile, those will drain a lot of my energy." You warned but they looked desperate. You knew you had to do this.

"Please y/n, you're our only hope." Steve begged (anyone get the Star Wars reference?)

"Fine, get me somewhere safe, comfortable, and dark. I'll also need Bucky with me." You ordered quickly. The team instantly sprung into action. Bucky stood by you as everyone changed into their gear, it would take you awhile to do what you were about to do so they still had to fight Team Stark.

"How are you really y/n?" Bucky asked quietly, you guys were walking away from the group slowly for more privacy. You two had always had feelings for one another but were too scared to act on them.

"I'm getting flashbacks of the previous life again Buck, I keep seeing Loki and Thor in the flashbacks. I don't know how I knew them but I did." You ranted. "Do you think they'd recognise me if they saw me again?"

"They might doll." Bucky rubbed your shoulder comfortingly. He kept his distance because he knew Sam was watching you two like a Hawk (or should I say Falcon hehhehe).

"Let's go guys, there's a place down the street waiting for you y/n." Steve called you two over. You and Bucky climbed into the back of the VW, you behind Sam, Bucky behind Steve.

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