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"Ow!" Was the first thing you heard when you woke up on a particularly rainy Sunday morning. Normally the team would retreat to their 'happy places' and stay quiet all Sunday but every once and awhile Clint would drag them from hiding.

"I swear to god Thor if you break my arm I will break your hammer." Was what followed the cry of pain. You slowly rolled out of bed and threw on one of Clint's old shirts before walking towards the voices. When you turned the corner and looked into the living room you saw Thor and Clint arm wrestling over the coffee table. Each of the avengers were holding money, more than likely betting on who would win.

"Thor please stop playing with him and just finish the round, Clint hasn't done laundry in weeks." With your polite request Thor swiftly slammed Clint's hand in the table. Nat and steve cheered as they were given money.

"Y/n! I almost had him!" Clint whines as he followed you into the kitchen. You proceed to get your coffee, ignoring the birdbrain.

"No you didn't, he was fucking with you." You giggled as Clint's ego popped with your sentence.

"Nuh uh!!" Clint responded like a three year old. You sat on one of the stools in front of the island while he was next to you.

"I bet I could beat you no problem." Clint bragged as he poked your arms. You only smiled and propped your arm up, ready to win. Clint followed your lead and winked at you.

"On three, one, two, three." You slammed his hand on the counter, resulting in a scream of pain from him.

"You cheated!!" He yelled as he cradled his hand. You cackled as he pouted.

"No I didn't honey." You finished your coffee and put it in the sink, kissing his cheek as you passed. "We can't all be winners birdbrain."


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