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A/N: so this one is trash but I couldn't think of anything to write so you get this. But the photo above makes up for it.


"Hey Otterpop, what were the men like in the 40s?" You used Steve's nickname you gave him to get his attention. He looked up at you with a raised eyebrow, thinking you were up to no good.

"Why?" You looked up at steve innocently, not wanting him to find out you were trying to write a romance novel based in the 40s. You were the least emotional person in the Avengers so a romance novel would be used as a punchline.

"Just curious..."

"No you're not. What do you have up on your laptop?" Steve leaned over the back of the couch you were on, trying to see your screen.

"Nothing!" You practically screamed as you slammed it shut on your left fingers. "Fuck ow!"

"Oh shit, y/n are you okay?" Steve cursed and reached over to grab your left hand. You heard a faint 'language' come from the kitchen as Steve observed your swelling fingers.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine, give me a sec and a shot or two of tequila and I'll be better." You tried waving him off as you stood up but he could see the pain on your face. He also heard the laptop screen crack from your superhuman strength slamming it down on your fingers, he knew they were at least fractured.

"Liar." He yelled to you as you made a break for your room down the hall, you had a full bar hidden in your closet, you were way worse of an alcoholic than tony. You started laughing lightly from the pain in your hand making you delirious and fell from not paying attention. You caught yourself with both hands. You heard a loud snap come from your left hand fingers then pain shot through them.

"Ok Steve maybe you should check out my hand or something." You mumbled as you stared at it in shock. You knew the team would laugh at you for breaking your hand from falling but at that moment in time you didn't really care, you just wanted a drink.

"Damnit y/n." Steve grumbled as he lifted you up from the hallway floor and took you to the bathroom for the first aid kit.

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