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Thor's POV:
The room I was stuck in was cold, dark, a little dingy, and smelt of mildew. It is kind of foggy how I ended up in a room with no clear entrance or exit. The last thing I can remember is somebody slamming my face into a wall while I was out drinking with Loki. Loki had already disappeared by the time I was attacked, hopefully he would notice that something is up and get the team.

"Just what the fuck? That's all I gotta say, what the actual fuck?" I heard an irritated feminine voice complain outside of my... cell? I instantly started slamming my fists on the wall, hoping she would hear me.

"Shit they really did get someone in there." The person stopped talking for a moment, as if they were thinking. "Hold on a minute bud, can you hear me? I'm going to try and get you out."

"Please hurry, it smells horrendous in here." I stated pathetically. I couldn't believe myself, I'm the god of thunder and I'm pouting in a cell. Now I know how Loki felt.

"Really? That's all you care about right now? You're trapped in a box and you only care that it smells bad? What the fuck is with this guy?" She started rambling. All of a sudden I heard slamming on the wall to my left. A human sized dent was being made.

"Please don't hurt yourself." I spoke softly to the woman.

"I can't feel physical pain, now shut up." She spoke before slamming into the wall more. The metal began to tear and light was let through. She eventually created a hole big enough for me to climb through. When I got out I saw the most beautiful being ever. She had (h/l) (h/c) locks and gorgeous (e/c) eyes, paired with perfect skin.

"I'm y/n, what's your name handsome?" She stuck her hand out as an introduction. I slowly took it, still in shock that she looked completely fine, even after using her body to bust through metal. She didn't even break a sweat.

"Thor, now how in the hel did you do that?" I pointed to the hole. She only laughed at my astonishment.

"I'm like your best bud Steve but better, I don't feel pain and I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve." She winked at me. I was momentarily confused as to how she knew who I or Steve was but we are famous superheroes.

"Don't worry, I'm not a crazed fan or stalker, I just keep tabs on other enhanced beings on this side of the galaxy." She explained with a smirk. She had an air about her that screamed danger and adventure.

"... what?" Was all I asked in shock, who is this person? Her smirk only got bigger as she grabbed my hand and led me into a much larger room. When I looked out of its window I saw we were in space, looking at Earth. We were surrounded by many creatures that were hurrying about, shouting names and locations.

"Welcome to the Illuminati, we do exist but not as the conspiracy nuts believe we do. We don't secretly control the world, only protect it from the darkness, far away from light, in the shadows." She gestured to everything around us.

"Holy shit, what the fuck? How the fuck? Why the fuck? I'm confused but amazed." I ranted excitedly. She laughed loudly, she kept my attention on her.

"Let me show you around, try to keep up will ya?" She turned her head over her shoulder to look at me slyly.

It was in the moment that I realised that she had me, for as long as she wanted.

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