Chapter 1- First Day

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Evan's POV

Okay. The first day of senior year. This could be great or it could be terrible. I'm betting on the latter. I could already tell this was going to be a long day. Well, every day was a long day. Anxiety really did that.

I rolled out of bed and got dressed, pulling a blue polo shirt on over my binder. I guess I was getting used to it. The only people that noticed a difference were my mom and Jared.

Speaking of Jared, he was here to walk with me to school. Well, drive me. I didn't want to take the bus and Jared offered to drive me so, of course, I took up his offer. I knew he only hung out with me because of his car insurance. He was a "family friend."

I came downstairs and saw Jared talking to my mom. Jared saw me and quickly, but politely, said goodbye to my mom. He smiled at me and I tried to smile back. Honestly, I was anxious. Really anxious. I wasn't ready for today.

"Hey," I heard Jared say. I looked over at him. "It's okay. It's just school. No big deal." I guess he noticed my anxiety.

"Easy f-for you t-to say. Y-you have f-friends." I felt bad about what i said, but what else could I say? He hung out with the cool people. I was nobody.

Jared hopped into the driver's seat. I sat in the passenger's side. He said, "Actually, I don't think they'll notice if I stopped hanging around them. Maybe I could actually be a better friend for you."

He started to pull out of the driveway. What was he talking about? He continued, "Maybe... Instead of being a family friend... I could be a real friend."

I took all this in. "I w-would l-like that a-a lot, Jared. T-thank you. Really."

"No problem, Ev. To be honest, I really care about you." This was really unlike Jared. He never admits his feelings.

I felt a blush grow on my face. The conversation seemed to die as Jared pulled into the student parking lot. He parked his car and we got out. I gave him a quick hug before pulling away and walking with him inside. We started walking to homeroom when we ran into Connor Murphy.

"Hey, Hot Topic," Jared said. "Loving the new hair length. Very school-shooter chic."

Connor gave him a dirty look but didn't say anything back. I pulled Jared away before anything else happened. I looked back to see Connor watching us. I mouthed, "I'm sorry," and gave him an apologetic look. I stared at the ground at Jared lead me to homeroom. He seemed to be pleased with himself about what happened.

"Evan? You okay?" Jared looked at me, concerned. He was one of the few people that called me by that name. I was still getting used to it.

"What? Y-yeah. Sorry." I mumbled, still lookin at the ground.

"It's okay. You have nothing to be sorry about," Jared reassured me.

I finally looked up to see him gently smiling at me. I slightly smiled back. We sat down next to each other and just as the bell rang, Connor walked in. He sat down in the seat in the back corner, right behind me.

I gave Jared a look that said, "Don't say anything." He got what I meant and stayed silent.


The rest of the day went by uneventfully. I had quite a few classes with Jared. That made me feel better. I noticed that Connor was in a few of my classes as well. In fact, any that Jared wasn't in Connor was, and in some of them, both of them were there.

Jared left Connor alone after this morning. There were no issues so Jared and I left without Jared starting a fight. I was glad, really. I got through the day without fists flying and without a panic attack. Great.

Jared drove me home and I asked him if he could stay or a little while. He said he could; his parents were never home, anyway. So, we lay on the couch and did homework in silence. After about two hours, we both finished and put our school stuff away.

My mom got home just as Jared collapsed back onto the couch. Mom saw his position and chuckled to herself.

"Hello, boys. How was school?" Same old question. I was so used to hearing it at this point.

"It was fine," Jared answered for the both of us. I nodded  in agreement and sat on the floor beside the couch. Why didn't i sit on the couch? Jared was taking up the entirety of it. It was fine though, because he pulled his arm up, level with both of our heads and started playing with my short hair.

"Are you two hungry?" I heard my mom open some cabinets in the kitchen.

"Yes," Jared called to Mom. "Evan? You hungry?" He turned to me and raised hi eyebrows. I nodded and stood up. I stuck my hand to pull up Jared, but instead, he pulled me down.

I fell on top of him and the both of us erupted in fits of laughter, Jared's sounding a bit choked since I was laying on him. I got off and this time, he allowed me to pull him up.

He slung his arm across my shoulders and we walked to the kitchen. My mom poured some pasta into a pot of boiling water just as we entered. She turned around and smiled at Jared and me.

"Are you staying for dinner, Jared?" She had to look up at him to fully address him. He nodded and she smiled wider. "That's great. I haven't been able to talk to the two of you in such a long time."

I wondered what she would want to talk about. It's not like we lived eventful lives. I guess we would just have to wait and see.

I hope you like the first part. I know it was long, but I couldn't figure out when to stop it. I finally cut myself off and finished the chapter. Well, I hope you liked it. The next part should come out soon. Thanks!

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