Chapter 9- Is The End Near?

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Connor's POV

I woke up, holding Jared in my arms. Evan was still asleep in his bed. Memories of yesterday and last night came rushing back to me. Suddenly, I had tears in my eyes. The fear finally caught up to me. I tried to be strong for my boys, but that strength only lasted so long.

I closed my eyes and kissed the top of Jared's head. I kept my eyes closed and willed myself not to cry. I held Jared a little tighter, not too much, though, I didn't want to wake him up.

I heard Evan stirring. I looked up at him. He sat up in his bed, looked around, spotted Jared and me on the floor, and smiled. He got up and sat on the floor next to he two of us, still laying down. I couldn't move much, because of Jared's arms around me.

I reached out my hand and Evan took it. No words were needed. The gestures were enough and more. Jared started to wake up a little. Evan dropped my hand. Jared removed his arms from around me and opened his eyes. He mumbled, "Hi."

"Hi," I said. "Evan's behind you, if you want to say hi to him."

Jared rolled over and faced me. He smiled and said, "Hi, Evan. How're you feeling?"

Evan said, "I'm okay. Just tired."

Jared nodded. I propped myself up on my elbow. The three of us sat in silence for a moment. Then, Jared sat up and said, "We should get going. I need to run by my house. Clothes."

Evan and I nodded. We all got up and Jared and I left Evan's room, letting him get dressed. I was going to walk home to get dressed, I didn't live that far away, but Jared insisted on driving me.

We told Evan we were leaving and went to my house, where I changed clothes quickly, and then we went to Jared's house. He changed clothes, then drove us back to Evan's house.

We walked through the front door to see Evan walk into the living room and collapse on the couch, completely out of breath. He had changed clothes while we were gone.

I went over to him, knelt down, and said, "Hey, Ev." I touched his shoulder and he closed his eyes. "You're gonna be okay." He nodded his head.

I sat on the floor by Evan's head. Jared sat on the floor beside me and leaned on my shoulder.

Evan's POV

Connor and Jared sat on the floor beside the couch, while I sprawled across the couch. I was trying to even out my breathing but that wasn't working very well.

I could feel my heartbeat. Sometimes it was fast. Other times it was slow. Sometimes the beats wouldn't really line up right if you get what I'm saying.

Beat... Beat.... Beat beat... Beat beat beat.... Beat beat... Beat... Don't repeat. It didn't stay the same. I could feel the beats getting weaker...

Neither Connor nor Jared had said anything in a while. I tapped Connor on the shoulder. He turned around and faced me. I took his hand and put it over my heart, letting him feel the beats.

He looked more worried than I had ever seen him. "Jared, we have to take him to a doctor. Soon." Connor looked at Jared and he nodded.

That's when Mom got home. She looked exhausted from her shift. She saw me on the couch and the concerned expressions on Connor and Jared's faces and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jared spoke. "We have to take Evan to a doctor." He stood up and went to my mom.

I could barely hear the conversation. Jared was explaining to my mom about everything. Mom said that she had noticed everything going on, but I always said I was fine. She agreed that I needed help.

I knew I looked pretty bad. I was pale, I had eye bags worse than Connor, and let's just not talk about my breathing. Mom, Connor, and Jared had every right to be worried. If it was one of them, I would be worried. I knew how they were feeling.

Connor really showed what he was feeling. He looked worried. If he had to talk to anyone, then he would, but he wouldn't leave my side. He held my hand while Mom called someone she worked with. Jared talked with my mom and paced. This was how he acted when he was nervous.

I didn't say much besides answering the occasional question from Mom, so she could have something to tell the doctors.

After Mom was done on the phone, she turned to the three of us. Connor was still beside me and Jared was pacing. Mom said, "The soonest they could get you in is in a few hours. We don't have to wait long."

I nodded. Connor closed his eyes and leaned his head on the edge of the couch. I stroked his hair. It seemed to calm him down.

To be honest, I think Connor and Jared were more nervous than i was. I was scared, definitely, but they were showing it a whole lot more.

"What do you want to do?" Jared asked. He stopped pacing.

"Disney marathon?" I suggested. Everyone nodded and Jared turned on Moana. Something with a happy ending.

I sang along to every song the best I without running out of breath. Connor hummed quietly, but I know he was listening to me sing. After the last song ended, he said, "You really are a beautiful singer, Ev." I kissed the top of his head.

Jared let us pick the next movie. I voted for Beauty and the Beast. Connor agreed, so Jared put that one in. Jared sang along with this one, so did Connor. We ended up having a sing along, Mom included. I sometimes forgot how good Mom's singing was, but she would have been a perfect Belle.

Eventually, our marathon had to come to an end. It was time find out what was wrong with me.

We drove to the hospital in silence. Jared rode up front with Mom driving. I rode in the back, leaning on Connor's shoulder. He put his arm around me and held my hand.

He knew I was nervous. We walked inside and Mom checked me in. Connor's arm around me was probably the only hing keeping me up. Jared held my hand and led me and Connor to the waiting room. They sat me down, and, of course Jared paced, while Connor stayed with me.

After a few minutes, Connor said, "Jared, please sit down." And Jared sat down on my right side; Connor was on my left.

A little while later a short nurse came through a door. "Evan Hansen?"

I tried to stand, but needed Connor's help. He helped me follow the nurse and Jared followed behind us with my mom.

I think I'll end the chapter here. My sister may get mad, but she will have to deal. I'm tired. I may write another one, though, and post it later tonight. Happy reading, everyone!

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