Chapter 6- You're My Favorite

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Connor's POV

We pulled into the driveway of what I assumed was Evan's house. I wouldn't call it small, but it was cozy. The one-story house was made of dull brown brick with white accents on the roof and door.

Evan and Jared climbed out of the car, and I followed suit. Evan unlocked the door, and Jared and I followed him inside. Jared immediately headed to a room that looked like a kitchen/dining room combo.

I followed Evan into his bedroom and asked, "So, you live with your mom?"

He looked over at me. "Um, y-yeah. M-my dad left when I was really young." He looked at the floor.

"Oh," I said. "I'm sorry."

"I-it's not your fault, Connor. It w-was years ago." Evan looked up and smiled like he okay with it. But I knew that look. At was the look of someone who was pretending they didn't care but really did.

Jared came into the room with some food. He had a bag of chips along with a few granola bars.

"Hey, I brought food. Who has homework?" He set down the food and left the room, coming back with his backpack.

Evan and I sat down with our homework. The room was silent. I really hate the silence, to be honest.

I asked the two boys, "Do you mind if I turn on some music?"

"It's cool, man." Jared said. Evan nodded in agreement.

So, I turned on some instrumental versions of some Panic! At The Disco songs. Jared and Evan seemed to love it.

The next couple of hours were filled with the soft sounds of music as we did our homework for the day. The three of us finally finished with some help from each other sometimes.

Jared suggested we try to get to know each other more, since he and Evan had only really just met me.

"How about we name our favorites," Jared said. "I'll start. Favorite color."

Evan said, "B-blue."

I went next. "Black, obviously." I gestured to my outfit, which was all black.

Jared and Evan chuckled. Jared said, "I like green."

It was Evan's turn to pick a category. "Favorite p-pastime."

I said,"I like to draw or listen to music."

Jared went after me. "I like to scroll through tumblr." He left it at that.

"I l-like to read," Evan said.

"What do you like to read?" I was curious.

"A-about trees." Evan's voice was quiet.

"Interesting," I said, honestly. "Okay, well, favorite type of tree."

"Pine," Jared said, quickly. That was surprising. I didn't take him to be a tree person.

"Um, o-oak," Evan said. I noticed his stutter was getting less frequent.


So we played the "Favorites Game", as Evan called it, for a while. Eventually we got hungry, and we had already eaten the snacks Jared had brought in.

Evan said that we could order a pizza, since his mom wouldn't be home until two in the morning.

So Jared picked up the phone and order a large cheese pizza for the three of us. Evan seemed thankful that he didn't have to do it.

We all sat down in the living room, waiting for the pizza. We started talking about a lot of different things, laughing every now and then.

I have to say, I was definitely getting more comfortable around the two of them. Jared was really funny and he seemed to actually care about people he was close to. Evan was so sweet, but shy, and he could be really easy to talk to, since he was a good listener.

Jared hung up the phone and turned back to Evan and me. He seemed to have a slight internal conflict with himself before saying, "Let's get this out of the way. What is everyone's sexuality?"

Evan stuttered for a moment before turning really red and leaning back on he couch, waiting for Jared or me to say something.

"I'm gay." Just rip off the Band-Aid. It's not like I'm ashamed.

"It's cool man," Jared said. "I'm pan."

Evan was the only one left. He noticed and sat up. He thought for a moment. "I think.... I-I think I'm bi."

Well, that took an unexpected turn. Evan blushed really hard and covered his face with his hands. Well, one hand and his cast.

"Evan, it's okay. Questioning your sexuality is still a good place to be you're not really sure what you are," I said.

He shook his head. "N-no, I'm pretty sure." He looked at Jared and me.

Jared glanced between me and Evan. I looked at the two of them and there was a silent understanding between the three of us.

Okay, I know I like both if them. That's just how it is. I've seen them in the halls over the years, but I have never had enough courage to talk to either of them. And talking to one of them may mean choosing between two such amazing people.

I think Jared and I both knew what Evan was saying without saying it.

Jared said, "Evan, if you have a crush on a guy, you can tell us. Were your friends."

Okay, so maybe Jared didn't quite think what I was thinking.

"Um... I...uh... I-I like these two guys," he said. He looked back down. "They are both really sweet, but I don't know them really well."

So maybe this was going where I thought it was.

Evan's POV

I was freaking out. Was I really going to tell them this? I guess I was.

The second I mentioned a crush, Jared went into gossip mode.

"Oh my gosh! You have to tell us who they are!" I felt him bouncing on the couch.

"Jared, please," Connor said. "Give him some space. He's obviously freaking out, so don't push him, please."

I hadn't known Connor to be so polite. Or nice to anyone, especially me.

"It's alright," I said. "If you really want to know..."

"YES," Jared screamed.

"As long as your comfortable," Connor said, reassuringly.

"Okay." I took a deep breath. "I really like both of you."

This chapter probably really sucks but I didn't proof read it at all, so there are probably mistakes. Also it was kind of rushed and I'm tired. Sorry. I will try to post something better soon. Hope you liked it anyway.

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