Chapter 7- Love Escalates

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TW: one curse word. I'll put a warning before it.

Jared's POV

"I really like you both."

Well, I wasn't expecting that. I mean, yeah, I like Evan, but I didn't think he liked me back.

And he likes Connor, too. Oh my god. I like him. I'll say that. But that fact that Evan likes me and Connor and I like Evan and Connor...

I need to know how Connor feels. I need it.

I looked at Connor, not saying anything. He looked right back at me. We both looked at Evan. He was looking down and slightly shaking. His breathing was really shallow.

I reached over and hugged him, tightly. He buried himself in my chest. Connor was still silent.

"Are we going to talk about this?" I needed to ask.

"Um," Connor said. "What is there to talk about? I mean, I really like both of you. Jared, Evan likes both of us. What about you?"

Wait. He likes us. Evan and me. Holy crap!!

"Yeah. I mean, I really like both you," I said. "So, what do we do?"

Evan was still buried in my chest. He was clinging to me. Of course, I wasn't going to let go of him. I held him tighter and asked him, "Hey, Ev? You okay?"

He nodded into my chest. Alright.

Connor spoke up. "Well, we could try to get to know each other better. Maybe we could all try dating each other. Like a polyamorous thing. I'm just thinking out loud here."

He had a point. "We could try it. As long as everyone's cool with it. I am. Evan?"

He pulled away from me, but still held my hand. "Y-yeah. That, um, sounds good."

Connor said, "So, we're all cool with it?" Evan and I nodded. "Alright, then. So, I guess,we are all boyfriends?"

Evan and I agreed. Holy crap, I was so happy! The biggest smile I have ever seen spread across Connor's face. I guess he felt the same way.

He scooted closer, he was sitting on Evan's other side, and wrapped arms around Evan and me. I did the same, so we kind of squished Evan in the middle, but he seemed okay with it. Evan lightly chuckled and did he best to hug us back.

At that moment, the doorbell rang, signaling the pizza man. Connor got up and answered the door, paying for the pizza.

"Hey, I can pay you back-" I was cut off.

"No, it's cool." Connor set the pizza box on the coffee table and opened it, grabbing a piece.

I handed a piece to Evan and grabbed one for myself. All conversation kind of died. All of us hated silence, so I picked a topic of conversation.

*Curse word coming up*

"Connor, have you come out to your parents?" Great question, Jared.

"Yes. And the homophobic assholes hate me," he said. I regret asking, now.

"I'm sorry," Evan said.

"It's all good, Evan. What about you? When did you tell your mom you were trans?" Connor took another piece of pizza.

"I was fourteen," Evan said. His stutter was almost gone now that he was more comfortable. "At f-first it was just the pronouns and th-the name. She was surprisingly accepting."

"Yeah," I said. "Evan's mom is really accepting of this stuff."

Evan continued. "After a while, I-I wanted to start wearing a binder... for obvious reasons. But I didn't want her to buy me one, b-because they are really expensive. S-so, I just tried some other things. Baggy shirts. Things y-you guys probably don't want to kn-know..."

I grabbed another piece of pizza and offered one to Evan. I know he won't take one if I don't offer it. He took the piece. Connor spoke up.

"It's okay, Evan. Only tell us what you're comfortable with," he said.

Evan gave a small smile. He nodded. "Well, th-there isn't much more to say. That's pretty much the situation right now. Jared, have you come out?" I didn't expect him to switch topics so fast.

"Um, no. My parents are never home, and when they are, I can't just throw it into a casual conversation," I replied.

"Sure you can," Connor said. "That's what I did. But afterwards my dad started yelling at me and calling me a disgrace."

Evan scooted over to Connor and put his arms around him. Connor returned the hug, just as tight. I smiled and pantomimed taking a picture. Connor saw me and laughed.

Evan said, "What?" I repeated the motion and he chuckled.

I noticed that Evan and Connor had almost the same skin tone:paler than pale. Though, Connor was somehow tanner than Evan.

"Okay, you two are really pale. How often do you go outside?" I asked.

Connor shrugged. "Whenever I have to. Not too often if I can help it."

"I go out all the time," Evan said. "I love going outside."

"Connor, it's obvious you don't go out much. Evan, I find that hard to believe. Both of you are paler than the dead," I said.

"I'm n-not that pale," Evan said. "Last I checked I was pretty tan."

"Well, Evan," Connor said, "you really are pretty pale. But, I thought you were tanner earlier. Are you okay?"

I looked at Evan. He glanced between Connor and me. He said, "Y-yeah, I'm fine."

"Alright," I said. "If you say so."

We went back to talking. We got to know each other really well. Connor is a lot different than gossip and rumors make him out to be. He is actually really sweet and funny. He can really draw, as he demonstrated on a piece of notebook paper. He drew a nice tree for Evan.

Evan has kept more secrets than I ever thought. He let us into that amazing mind of his. He can be the sweetest little being ever, though I already knew that.

I helped Evan and Connor know me bit more. I told them about my best known coping mechanism: jokes. That seemed to make a lot if things clearer for them.

Soon, we realized that is was really late, so we built a quick pillow fort. Connor kind of questioned it, but when Evan and I explained our custom, he just shut up and helped us. We all laid down in the fort, Evan in the middle with Connor and I on both sides, and I fell asleep quickly. I don't know about Connor and Evan, but I was tired.

The next chapter will come out soon, but I hope this satisfied you. But some will never be satisfied. Sorry, I like Hamilton. Well, I know some people really wanted another chapter because the last one ended on a cliffhanger. Well, this one is less of a cliffhanger. Hope you like.

Okay, the chapter was edited. Thanks to the person who commented my mistake.

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