Chapter 16- What Now?

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(I'm so sorry. I just am. This chapter is emotional.)

Evan's POV

After Connor went to bed, Jared and I stayed up for a bit. We didn't say much. We just sat there, trying to absorb what had happened.

After a while, Jared told me that we should get to bed. I tried to get up from the couch, but, what do you know, I failed. Jared grabbed my hand and put his other arm around my waist. I held onto him tightly as he helped me to bed.

Connor lay unmoving on one side of the bed. Jared helped me into bed and I got comfortable while he got in. He put his arms around me and I lie my head on his chest. I closed my eyes an fell into a restless sleep.


I woke alone in the bed. I heard talking coming from the kitchen. My mom, Connor and Zoe were talking, but I couldn't tell what they were talking about.

I struggled to sit up enough to get up. I dragged myself and my oxygen cart across the room to the doorway, where I had to pause to take a breath. When did walking become so difficult?

I could hear footsteps coming toward the bedroom. I looked up to see Jared looking at me, concern etched across his face.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Y-yeah. Good morning," I breathed out.

"Morning. Want something to eat?"

I nodded and Jared let me lean on him as we walked down to the kitchen. Connor looked up as we walked in an I saw several bruises across his cheek an eyebrow. He looked paler than normal, but he smiled at Jared and me. I smiled back.

I waved at Zoe and she said, "Hi, Evan."

Jared made me sit down, I didn't argue much, and brought some food. Mom and Zoe talked, with Connor slipping in a comment every now and then, while everyone ate. I didn't feel very hungry, but I made myself eat anyway. I know I needed the food.


Zoe stayed at our house the next couple of days. Neither of the Murphy siblings wanted to go home. Mom didn't want them to go anywhere, either.

Connor was getting better. His bruises were fading and moving no longer hurt him. Jared and I could hug him, lightly,  without hurting him.

I don't know what else to say. Not much happened. All of us were waiting to the days until I could get the transplant.

Jared's POV

Evan wasn't getting better, but he wasn't getting worse either. I've probably said that several times by now, but it's true. It needs to be said by someone. Well, if that someone has to be me, then so be it.

So, what day is it? They're all starting to blend together. Not much happens anymore. We all just waiting for that call, saying that Evan is getting a new heart.

Well, we were sitting on the couch, as per usual, and scrolling through channels, looking for something to watch. We were joking around and saying stupid stuff. I was just trying to make my boys smile. It had been a while since either of them laughed. I was going to fix that.

"What if they made a musical of that one?" I said, pointing to a random show on the screen.

"What?" Connor said. "The Golden Girls?"

Evan laughed. "I would pay to see that."

Connor smiled. I said, "Imagine it, though. Just think about it. Four old women constantly fighting, making dirty jokes, and hooking up with men."

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