Chapter 11- Am I Awake or Dreaming?

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Jared's POV

I woke next to Evan with Connor on Evan's other side. I tried not to move too much, because Evan is such a light sleeper. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time.

4:23 am. Well, it's a weekend, so I should go back to sleep.

I put my phone away and shifted a little. Evan stirred awake. Dammit. The one thing I tried not to do!

"Hey," I whispered. "It's alright. Go back to sleep."

He nodded and fell asleep again. I looked over at Connor, who was still asleep. He really looked like he needed sleep. I should ask him if he was sleeping, lately. I'll do it later...

Assured that Evan and Connor were asleep, I closed my eyes and drifted off.


I woke up again to the sun shining in through the window. I squinted against the light, and looked down at Evan, curled into my chest.

I had and arm draped over him, and I was holding Connor's hand. Connor was awake, lightly stoking my hand. I tapped his hand and he looked up at me. He smiled a little, a nice sight.

We lie like that for a while, maybe half an hour, maybe an hour. I don't really know. Soon, Evan woke up and was hungry. So, we got up ad headed to the kitchen.

"Evan, sit down, we'll get you something," Connor said.

So, Evan sat down at the table, and I made him some eggs and toast. He ate while Connor got himself some toast and I made a duplicate of what I gave Evan.

We ate in silence. There was nothing to say. The previous day's events seemed to weigh on us. Evan was done eating, so I took his plate and washed it quickly, along with my own. Connor didn't use a plate.

Connor broke the silence. "Wanna do anything?"

He walked over to Evan, and leaned on the table. Evan said, "I-I don't know. We can watch a movie or something."

So, we watched a musical that Connor picked out. Neither Evan nor I had ever seen it. From what I could see, it was set in the French Revolution and there was a lot of people dying. And they never stopped singing. Also, it didn't really have a set plotline. It kept jumping around.

About halfway through, I looked over at Evan, who had fallen asleep on my arm. I smiled to myself. He needed the sleep. I looked over at Connor who was looking at me. We silently agreed to let him sleep.

Connor turned off the movie, and looked back at me. He didn't say anything, but he looked like he wanted to say a million things. I nodded at him, and he nodded back.

"Hey," I whispered, trying not to wake Ev. "Have you been sleeping, lately?"

Connor hesitated before answering. "No. Not a lot. I have been trying, really. It's easier to sleep when I'm with you two." He looked away. God, he looked exhausted.

Evan started to move a bit. He pushed himself against me. I looked down at him. He didn't seem to be awake. I touched his arm lightly, and he started awake.

"You okay?" I asked him. He nodded and put his head on my shoulder.

"Bad dream," he mumbled. Connor scooted a little closer and took Evan's hand. Evan took a deep breath to calm down.

The three of us sat there for a while. None of us seemed at all inclined to do or say anything.

After a bit, Connor's phone rang. He answered it after looking at the caller I.D. He said, "Hey.... Yeah, no, I can go over there.... No, it's fine... Oh, um, okay. That works.... Which one? Okay... See you there. Bye."

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