Chapter 8- Come With Me

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Evan's POV

I woke up in a pillow fort, which I wasn't really surprised about. I was kind of used to it. I was surprised to see Connor and Jared laying next to me.

I got up quietly and stared toward my room to get dressed. Before I got there though, I heard Connor say, "G'morning. How'd you sleep?"

I turned toward him. "G-good. You?"

"Good," he said, sitting up.

Soon, Jared got up and went to change clothes. I talked with Connor while he did so. We discussed everything we talked about last night. The whole "boyfriends" thing. I was still okay with it. He was, too. He would talk with Jared when he came back.

Jared entered the room and I went to change clothes. After I did, I went back to the living room to see Jared trying to fix Connor's hair. He seemed frustrated, but Connor was laughing.

Jared gave up and we went to school.

/////////////Major Timeskip. No joke, it's been 3 months/////////////

It's been 3 months since Connor, Jared, and I stared dating. Nothing big has happened. We just act like close friends, but with longer hugs, cuddle sessions, and deeper secrets. Connor met my mom, and we told her about us. She said she was happy for us and was very supportive.

One Friday, after school, Connor asked if he could drive Jared and me somewhere. He didn't say where, it was a surprise.

After a while in the car, he told Jared and me to close our eyes, and we did so. I was starting to get a bit anxious. What was he planning?

Another minute, and Connor told us to open our eyes. I just as  and old gate that looked like it should belong to a farm. Behind the gate were a lot of trees... Trees! He took us to the orchard!

"Oh my gosh! Connor!" I ran up to him and hugged him. I felt a little breathless, but it was probably nothing. Just anxiety. I smiled up at Connor and he smiled back.

He said, "I thought you guys would like it. Come on. I know this empty field we can go to. Follow me!"

He ran off and Jared and I ran after him. We ran for a little while, not long really, before I was completely out of breath. I had to stop and Jared almost ran over me.

"You okay?" He looked over at me.

I couldn't answer. I was gasping for air. My heart was beating fast, but irregularly. Jared called for Connor to stop and come back. Connor ran back to us, only slightly out of breath.

I bent over and put my hands on my knees. I caught my breath enough to speak. "I'm okay. Just no more r-running."

"Okay," Connor said. "Are sure you're alright?"

"Yeah," I said, standing up.

Jared put his hand on my back. I knew he could feel my heartbeat. He said, "Ev, you're heartbeat is really fast, and irregular. Maybe we should take you home."

"No," I said. "I'm okay, really." I had finally, fully caught my breath.

"Okay," Connor said. "But, no more running. Come on." He waved his hand, indicating us to follow.

Jared put his arm around me and we walked close behind Connor, who wasn't walking that fast. We came to this open field, completely framed with trees.

I smiled. This was amazing! I found a sturdy oak tree with low branches and pulled myself up. I climbed onto another branch a little higher up. Jared climbed onto the branch i was previously on and sat there. Connor sat next to him. The branches were spaced so Jared could lean on my knee. I stroked his hair and tried to catch the breath I had lost from climbing.

What was going on? A few weeks ago, breathlessness became a new regularity. I couldn't run very far and even walking across my house seemed like a chore.

Jared and Connor were worried, I could tell. Every time they asked if I was okay, I would tell them I was and we would move on. I would, anyway, but they didn't. I could feel them watching me, carefully. They knew something was wrong. I did, too, but none of us knew anything for certain.

I leaned against the truck of the tree, still stroking Jared's hair, and said, "H-hey, guys?"

They looked up at me from their branch. They were both kind of tall, so they didn't have to look far. Connor said, "Yeah, Ev?"

No stopping now. "Well, you know how I-I have been k-kind of out of breath, lately?" They both nodded. "Do you think, um, maybe I should see a doctor?"

Jared grabbed my hand. He definitely looked worried now. "Evan, I'm worried and I know Connor is, too." Connor nodded. "We're not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do, but I-we think you need to get some help."

I nodded and squeezed Jared's hand. "I-I can feel how irregular my heartbeat is. A month ago, it wasn't like that. J-Jared, I'm scared." I whispered the last part.

Jared put his head back on my knee, still holding my hand and said, "I know, baby. We're gonna get you some help. I'm not going to make any promises that I can't keep, but I'll tell you that we won't go anywhere. We are staying right here."

Jared grabbed Connor's hand. Connor leaned against Jared. He looked at me, and he looked he gave me said more than words ever could. I know he agreed with everything Jared said and more. My eyes filled with tears. I leaned my head against the tree truck and stared into the distance in front of me.

The tears started to fall, slowly. I didn't do anything to stop them. So, I sat on that branch and played with Jared's hair and stared at that beautiful field framed with trees, and cried. Jared and Connor let me cry, and we all sat there in silence.

We were all scared, terrified. We didn't know what we were afraid of, though, and that was the scary thing.

We stayed in the same place for hours. We were completely silent, all of us relishing in the love we had for one another, and the fear we all felt. We watched the sunset, and we stayed until it was well after dark. I fell asleep on that same branch that I sat on.

Jared's POV

I noticed the time. We had been here for hours! Connor was still wide awake, leaning his head on my shoulder. I kissed he top of his head, he first time any of us had moved in a while.

"We should go home. It's late," I said. Connor nodded. I looked up at Evan and saw that he was asleep. That was fine. But, ugh, i didn't want to wake him up. Connor climbed up to the branch Evan was on and picked him up. He carefully climbed down with Evan in his arms.

"You got him?" I jumped down to the ground and looked up at Connor. He nodded. Connor and I walked side by side (A/N: with Susan Blackwell... I'll stop)  with Evan in Connor's arms, bridal style.

We got to the car and Connor sat with Evan in the backseat while I drove. We drove in silence. When we got to Evan's house Connor took him inside, and I followed him inside.

Connor put Evan in his bed and we made sure he was okay. He wordlessly decided to stay with him. We laid some blankets on the floor and git comfortable.

I took off my glasses and put them on Evan's nightstand. I got as close to Connor as I could. He wrapped his arms around me, and I did the same for him. I quickly fell asleep in that position, still terrified of what was to come.

Sorry for the kind of long chapter. It is kind of a filler for the next one. I hope you like it. I almost started crying while writing it and re-reading it. Warning: the next one is emotional. Extremely emotional. Hope you're prepared. Thanks for reading.

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