Levi Ackerman X Male Reader: Chapter 1

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Everyone had a reason to fight the Titans but there was one reason that united us all. The will to survive.

My goal was to one day become a member of the Survey Scout Corps Regiment, which symbolized the 'Hope of mankind'. Only the bravest joined this branch of the military, fighting to one day provide a better future for the human race. I wanted so badly to be courageous like the soldiers that risked life and limb but I never felt I could be as strong as them, though I attempted to mask it. I had tried to so hard to get away from the scrawny, thin from starvation boy that I once was. I had dedicated all I had so I could  make it this far to Cadet Corps, pushing myself to the point of exhaustion. I thought if I couldn't be fearless, I would train my body to be strong. I was constantly insecure that people could see past my determination to succeed, and find out I was secretly still that weak frightened boy I was deep inside. I would push people away, forfeiting the chance of developing relationships so I wasn't discovered. The trainers criticized me, not impressed with my lack of teamwork and comradery, however, I preferred to train alone. I had a good reason for acting this way; I was trying to protect myself from the inevitable heartache of grief when the call to fight would eventually come. I chose to isolate myself and just focus on pushing to perform well at any task my superiors gave me. I refused to quit even if my body wished to give in. I strived to go further, reach higher so that one day I would be chosen for the special operations.

My life began in Shiganshina District within Wall Maria. Our family was poor, living in a small house which had just two rooms; the kitchen which served as dining and living area, and the bedroom which I shared with my parents. The furniture and decor were practical and functional only but it didn't matter to us. Together we did everything we could to avoid starvation, even farming the small patch of land outside our home to grow crops to see us through the seasons.

Mother was a seamstress, offering sewing skills to the townsfolk. There were often piles of neatly folded clothing everywhere, garments ready to be repaired or altered. She would work late into the evening by candlelight to bring in some extra money. I had been taught to work hard and help out around the house from a young age. My Mother was heavily pregnant so I had to take care of the household chores and cooking when she needed assistance. I would watch the neighbourhood children play outside whilst I did the housework, secretly wishing I could join in. I looked forward to breaking up the monotony; for one hour each day when she would she homeschool me, teaching the basics of reading and writing. She would tell me about a fantastical world outside of the walls, describing dazzling deep blue oceans with sealife bigger than houses, expansive dry deserts that stretched for miles under the hot sizzling sun and magnificent giant mountains topped with snow so high that none had reached the top. I would listen to these stories in awe, wanting to believe there was more to this daily strife of hard work. I wondered what was outside of the walls and dreaming of one day adventuring to discover those places she spoke of for myself, even if they were just stories.

Father served in the military police, a far less dangerous job, he told me, dealing with the petty crime within the walls. He wanted me to follow in his footsteps but I was a timid and shy child keeping to myself and I preferred to stay indoors with my Mother where it was safe. My Parents encouraged me to make friends but I was scared of the neighbourhood children who would target and bully me because I was so small, sensitive and weak. Father was often worried that I would remain clinging to my Mother's apron strings and unable to function in the real world. He wanted to toughen me up by taking me to the top of Wall Maria to see titans that congregated around the perimeter to try and eat humans. I understand now that my Father wanted to prepare me for the reality of life and the harsh truth that monsters do exist. It would give me nightmares for months, upsetting my Mother who thought I was too young to be learning about Titans. He would also insist on taking me to watch the scout regiment march into town and I would stare in shock seeing so many soldiers injured following a fight with a Titan outside the walls. He told me that the scout regiment risked their lives for everyone, jeopardising themselves for the good of humanity but it was a brutal world and death was inevitable for most. I remember him pointing out Captain Levi Ackerman, telling me he was humanities strongest soldier and that he was a true hero, making a difference outside of the walls where the Titans roamed. Seeing the look of respect and admiration on my father's face as he watched the Scout Regiment imprinted on me.

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