Chapter 12: You're In Love With A Psycho

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Jeremiah POV 

"Okay you have to be kidding, right?" She asked in disbelief and I just raised an expectant eyebrow. "No no no this is just no okay? No" she said and started walking away like she was going home. 

"I don't see the problem, you need a break from all this and I've finally gotten a break why not go have break together?" I Said following her a alittle behind. 

"Because Your you and I'm Me and it's like fate threw you at me just to laugh in my face and have a laugh cause they got bored or whatever" she said making movement with her hands which I couldn't see as she was walking infront of me. 

"Oh So is this my fault that you can't decide what you want or that you won't do something for yourself? Why are you holding back Caroline? We've talked about how you want to leave this town and the madness so why when opportunity comes knocking do you run away scared?!!" I shouted at her and she stopped and so did I. She turned around with an angry look on her face that said I may have stepped too far, no regrets I told her what she needed to hear. 

"Because isn't over Jeremy and your his look alike and that would be the ultimate betrayal. She wants Jeremy and your the closest thing she can get to that so I can't ruin her chances!!" She shouted and I just sighed. 

"She wants Jeremy not me Caroline and wouldn't she rather you be happy and she moves in and finds someone else, someone better?" I Said in a low, soft voice. She looked at the ground like she knew what I was saying made sense but her conscious wouldn't let her admit it. "I'm going to leave town tonight, driving to the airport from the Mikaelson mansion at exactly midnight. If you want to come with me do but if your not there don't expect to see or hear from me again" I Said before I started to walk back to the Grill to get my car and drive back to the mansion to pack my clothes. 

I saw Bonnie and Elena stood outside talking wildly about something but I couldn't bring myself to care. "Jeremiah!! Jeremiah wait please" I heard a voice shout and I turned to see Bonnie trying to catch up with me. "I talked to Elena and she told me I should probably talk to you instead of running from you every time I see you. So I have to ask otherwise I think I'll regret it, do you want to maybe go out tomorrow when I finish school?" She said and I was shocked, who knew she'd gain the balls to ask. But I looked over her shoulder and saw Caroline who seemed shocked (must have heard her) and I hardened my eyes before looking back to the young witch. 

"Sorry but I'm leaving town and I wouldn't be interested anyway, someone else already caught my eye" I said giving one last look to the Forbes girl before I turned and finished the short walk to my car. 


Caroline POV 

So watching Jeremiah reject Bonnie should make me mad and angry and sorry for my best friend but instead I just felt happy, elated even cause he's not going to give up until midnight so I have like 5 hours to decide what I want to do. 

"Caroline can you not see that Bonnies upset why are you just stood there?" Asked Elena in a shocked and kind of disgusted voice. I saw Bonnie crying into her shoulder and whilst I wanted to feel bad and say Jeremiah was an asshole I can't. Because when Damon first met Elena (yes he told me about this) he said she wanted something that consumes her filled with passion and adventure and even some danger, and I have that and I refuse to let it go. 

"I have found passion and adventure and danger and something consuming and I will not let that go so be happy for me whilst I go pack my bags and chase down the man who broke Bonnie heart and stole mine" I shouted throwing my hands into the air just to add to the cliches. I then turned and started running home, I got a lift with Elena before, and started mentally listing what I'd need whilst I ran home at a human pace because I don't need the suspicion. 

I got home and I saw Damon on my porch and groaned wondering what he could want. "So I know what you're thinking 'oh my god what does Damon want now when I just made a huge decision, he's so here to ruin my high right now' but I'm not, I'm here to help you pack and drive you to the Mikaelsons so, how bout it?" He asked and I beamed and ran inside with Damon following at a slower pace as I raced to my bedroom. 

"Okay throwing tops and vests in here and I'll grab shorts and underwear and some jeans, ooh hrab some dresses as well and I'll grab make up and curlers and oh my god I neeed to tell my mom!!" I shouted as I realised the biggest thing I was forgetting when I turned to Damon with horror written on every inch of my face. 

"Hey I'll take care of that you just pack okay?" He said and I nodded and started running around grabbing my things and throwing them into my bed to organise into the suitcases later. 

Awhile later we were done and getting into Damon's car at about Oh let's see 11:45pmcand it took 20 minutes to drive from here to the Mikaelson mansion. I'd call Rebekah to ask her to try and stall her uncle and she had her siblings try to as well but I just hope they succeed. And then we pulled up at 12:05am. 

I saw his truck so I got out of the car and ran inside to see blood everywhere. 

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