Chapter 21: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

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Damon POV 

"We have to keep fighting!!" Shouted Uriel and everyone started fighting with a renewed vigour although I'm unaware as to why exactly. I was suddenly lifted from the ground and thrown. I landed on one of the angels and we went tumbling and I saw I was on the other side of the field, and I was charging towards myself. 

I stood and moved forward as fast as I could and crashed into Lucifer who easily pinned me down. He punched me and went to shove his hand into my chest but I grabbed his wrist just before his hand could pierce my skin and held him off using all my strength. 

"If only your vampire friend fought with as much passion" laughed Lucifer and I growled, they must have done something to Kol. "It's a shame my brother was too busy draining the life out of the bastard angel he could have put your friend in the fire instead of getting thrown in himself" he growled out an I snapped. 

Using my free hand I snapped his neck but that wasn't to kill him. I quickly started feeding from him and he screamed in agony and managed to pull away and I quickly got up, looking at where I'd bitten him I saw a wound, bleeding heavily and seeming like it was already festering as it started to go black. 

"You idiot!" He shouted and charged towards me. I held up my hands as he jumped us to the gardens over grown maze. "My brother may have been too cocky and arrogant but let me tell you I will not make the same mistake" he spoke as he slapped me to the ground. "You are a child, one who will never amount to anything" he spoke as he held up my barely conscious body. 

"I have a way of disappointing people's expectation" I Said in a weak voice just before I managed to get the blade into him. I fell to the ground and started to choke on my own blood as I heard screams in the background. 

"Damon look at me" Shouted a voice and I looked at the blurry figure. "It's going to be okay" it said and I nodded. Even if they were going to hurt me there's nothing I could do to stop it. "Just trust me, trust that I ca...." and I couldn't hear much after that, white noise blocked everything out and the sun was too bright and everything hurt. And they said dying was peaceful. 

"Rest my boy, you deserve it" Said a familiar voice. An old lady I met when I had first turned. She'd allowed me to stay with her and helped me to control what I was even though she wasn't a vampire or anything to do with the supernatural but she listened. 

"Uriel he's dying what are we going to do" asked a panicked female voice, somewhere in the distance. "What no!! We can't allow him to die" she replied to something I'm guessing I didn't hear. 

"It's his time sister" the voice which was also familiar replied in a somber tone. "Let him die in peace, we will return for him after the battle given that we are able" he said and I felt something among the whiteness but then it left. 

What did he mean it was my time? Was I really dying? I didn't want to die. I couldn't leave Stefan, maybe it was selfish to deny fate since he said it was my time but I wasn't going to let some demon kill me, that's not how I plan to go out. 

Like a wise man once said: there ain't no rest for the wicked. 

And I gasped awake in the maze. Lucifer was gone presumably to be burnt alongside Satan and Kol. I stood shakily clinging to the thin branches of the hedges to balance myself. I moved forward and came across a dying demon and collapsed to my knees. I grabbed its wrist, weird how demons were tinted red but the kings weren't, and started to feed. 

Once I'd fed and was up to strength due to the REALLY potent demon blood I rejoined the fray. 

"Damon?" Questioned Uriel when I kicked a demon that was about to attack him. 

"Haven't seen the last of me yet" I replied with a smirk before I sped away to fight some more. 

People have a tendency to underestimate me. I love to prove them wrong. 

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