Chapter 9: Take Me Out

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Caroline POV 

I'm a mess of guilt at the minute. Thankfullly I'd learned to hide it and nobody was any wiser. 

"So trying to find at the party was a bust, where do you think he went? He throws a huge party to stop his family from looking for him whilst he does what exactly?" Asked Bonnie and everyone were thinking really hard about it but I know what he was really doing. I was with him the entire party pretty much and god can that man kiss, I'm going to hell. 

"Caroline you okay?" I heard Elena ask and I just nodded. "Something wrong?" She asked and I shook my head. 

"No everything is fine, brilliant in fact but I'm going to go get some food from the Grill anyone want anything bringing back? Okay great" I Said and rushed outside before anyone could reply. 

I drive to the Grill cringing at how obvious I was but decided to play it cool when I got to the Grill. I walked inside and saw Jeremiah at the bar and headed over trying to stay away from him but making it not seem purposeful. 

"Caroline" he said and I looked over nodding. He tilted his glass in my direction and he seemed drunk. 

"Are you drunk already? it's not even noon" I asked him and he shrugged. 

"I have very little time concept I don't sleep so time has little meaning in my life" he said and I frowned. Weird guy. "And hey I've got a psychopathic witch trying to kill her children to kill so I'm gonna go do that now" he said and started to stumble out of the Grill. 

"Okay you can't even walk how do you expect to kill Ester?" I Said as I moved to subtly support the drunken man, I don't even know if he's a vampire or what. 

"Well I plan to use my wings to cut her head off" he said as we walked out of the doors. "Cause guess what" he said and I just raised an eyebrow at him. "I'll pretend you said what, Well I can fly and I'm older than the human race" he said and got a look of sarcastic childlike excitement on his face. "It gets pretty boring after awhile but I have to say this century has its perks like the parties, there always fun" he said and dragged me into the woods. He let me go at that moment and took off the vest he was wearing. 

His face looked pained for a moment before fucking wings started to grow from his back, pure white wings. "Holy shit!!" I exclaimed because a) it was kind of beautiful and b) because it was kind of disgusting. 

"Lets fly to Neverland Wendy" he said and picked me up bridal style and he started to fly. I'd like to say I was a badass and didn't even flinch but truth was I was screaming the whole time, it was pretty fucking scary especially when he went upside down and in a huge loop. 

When we finally landed (praise Jesus) we were stood in the Mikaelsons front garden. He started towards the house and I just stood awkwardly before I followed. We walked into the house and I saw a confused Rebekah look up from a magazine before she just rolled her eyes going back to it. Just taking one glance away from Jeremiah made me lose him, asshole. 

"Hey Rebekah you by any chance know wher your uncle could be?" I asked her and she just looked up before patting the seat beside her. I reluctantly went to sit and she looked like she was going to give me a lecture. 

"Here's something to know about my uncle, he's impulsive but methodical. He's an alcoholic and a womaniser and I'm pretty sure he has an attention disorder so don't even try to keep up with him, you will fail" she said before opening her magazine, oooh that was a nice dress. 

"Rebekah dear where do we house the bleach?" I heard Jeremiah ask a little while later and he came into the room wearing boxers and yellow rubber gloves and for some reason he had a pink frilly apron, weird guy. 

"Under the sink and why do you need bleach?" She asked not even questioning his attire, guess its normal in this house. 

"Because of blood stains duh" he said before he walked away, again. 

"Why are there blood stains?" Rebekah shouted and I waited to hear his reply. 

"Because I sliced your mothers head off" a voice said in our ears and we both jumped. He was stood behind us smirking. "She was planning to kill all of you so I took initiative and killed her, hey presto dead witch alive vampires fun for all" he cheered before walking away. 

Rebekah did the obvious and burst out crying, I would too, and I had to console her until she fell asleep an hour later. I just sat with her a little longer until Klaus cane and moved her, thanking me for looking after her. 

"Caroline I'll take you home let's go" Said Jeremiah as I was about to leave. He picked me up still shirtless (not that I was complaining) and flew me home, I didn't scream at all this time no matter how much I wanted to. When we landed for some reason it was outside the boarding house, I never told him where I live but to be fair he didn't ask. 

Still carrying me he walked to the door kicking it open making a dramatic entrance and walked so everyone in the front room could see him. 

"Honey I'm home!!" 

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