Chapter 3

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After the incident two things happened, I never saw that side of Aaron again he just went back to being the clumsy klutz he was and the students didn't have much to say about me. Granted I still got side eyes and stares when I walked the hallways but I hadn't heard a peep of my name. It was a different but I welcomed the feeling, not having to deal with these brainless idiots and their repetitive boring insults.

Right now we were having our English period and the teacher was going on about some essay we have to write for next class, she couldn't really expect anyone of these children to come up with something relatively interesting for a story. But if they did funnel all the hate and disdain they had for me into their work maybe they could write a decent essay. No one was really listening to her so that made it harder for them to excel, it wasn't any of my concern so I ignored them as always and kept to myself.

I leaned back in my chair and leaning my head on the back rest looking up at the design of the ceiling. It was an old roof so there was rust built up on the metal rods that the semi moldy tiles lay on. There were spots where water had settled causing mildew to collect and the webs that spiders either hid away in or left to catch their dinner lay in unique patterns. It was unsightly but it showed the history of the the very school, the way that you could tell that there was a storm that had occurred causing the sinks in certain places and you could tell that it was a normal breeding ground for the spiders by looking at how much congregated here.

Just by looking at something over you can't see the real picture, it's by examining it that you can see the history and the present problems then know what could happen in the future. It's how I was able to manipulate my personality to suit the situation and facilitate for the person involved. I stayed quiet much like a spider I was looking at, we looked at the prey in the shadows not moving just observing. And when we took enough time figuring everything we can about them we moved knowing how to without alerting them of our presence, slowly eating away at the space between us and when we got right up to them they were already trapped in our web so we go for the kill.

I knew it wasn't ethical of me to do that to most people and that's why I stayed away and only attacked when necessary. Most of these children weren't even worth my time and energy so I refused to act upon my urges to ruin them, because children were just a indentation of their parents. Not until they learnt that the way of their parents is not law can they move forward and make their own mark, so attacking someone just in the premise of what they were taught was far from logical.

"Hey, you're zoned out again. Class is over we have lunch now." Aaron said waving his hand in my face to get my attention.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand moving it away from infront if my face and getting up from my seat. I dug into my back pocket and pulled out my wallet removing enough money to buy something substantial for someone as built as Aaron.

"I already have lunch but I'm guessing it was out of Mr. Clifford's budget to make a good lunch for you so he resorted to giving you money. I don't want you using his money for that I will be providing you with things like that, here's some money buy a good lunch." I said handing him it and sitting back down to eat.

"I can't accept this, it's your money and I don't need your pity." He answered sliding the bill back on the table into my hand.

His response made me smile at the thought of him believing I was treating him as charity. He also had the pride and conviction to ensure that he nor his grandfather is seen as lower than anyone else. Very much like Mr. Clifford, a lot of the things that he does reminded me of his grandfather, he was raised well. But I was treating him far from charity, it was of my good will that Mr. Clifford is taken care of today the best if my ability that includes Aaron. So me buying him food was not an act of charity but that of gratefulness.

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