Chapter 10

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The house was very large, it was Victorian styled with a fountain of three angles pouring water into a pool. There were roses of all colours trimmed and placed in pots with intricate designs on them that seemed to be telling stories. One had a woman bending to a man's feet and wiping it with her hair, I recognized it as the story of Mary after she broke the alabaster jar at Jesus' feet to wash it. Lucifer kept walking at his normal speed obviously accustomed to the scene, it was not until he turned he realized that I was still in awe of it all that he slowed down. The pathway to the house was made of stones glossed to perfection, there were lamps placed in moderate spaces between each other to light the way.

As we got to the door I saw two angels carved into the pillars at either side of the door, their hands resting where the hinges of the door would be to portray them holding it up. Lucifer reached out with his magic and the door opened allowing us access to the inside, the inside was covered in red carpeting and Victorian era furniture. Above us was a massive chandelier that was lit so that its glow casted the shadow of robed figures bowing before it. At the top of the stairs came a squeal and I looked up to see two children no more than twelve years old running down.

One had short brown hair that was now wet and sticking to his face, his dark brown eyes lit with excitement as he made his way for us. He like his brother were wearing towels that hung low from their frivolous movements, his twin brother had long brown hair the same shade as him but his hair was tied in a bun and dry. He had deep green eyes that seemed to flood you as you stare into it, as they both made it over to Lucifer they threw themselves into his arms and laughed along with him. But then there was a frustrated sigh that followed someone sliding across the floor at the top of the staircase and screaming threats and profanities.

"I swear to the gods I will hang you from the roof and make you wish your sorry asses didn't enter this world." An older boy said before he stopped and realized that Lucifer was back and a stranger was with him.

The boy had dark red curls that bunched up in his ponytail making it look like he had a bun on his head, he wore contacts. I could tell because he had a bright red contact in his left eye while the right had a sea blue contact in it, he had a grey sweatpants on with a long sleeve v-neck sweater that was rolled up to his elbows. He wore hanging earrings that had upside down crosses on them, he stopped screaming at the twins that were now hiding behind Lucifer and giggling. He gave them a pointed look before giving Lucifer a hug and giving a dramatic descriptions of how much of a hard time the imps as he called them gave him.

"Oh and who's the new chick?" he asked losing his overeating persona and going to a cool and casual presentation

"This is Azrael a new angel and he also brought with him three Greeks one of which happened to the the head of that house." his news brought a sparkle to the boy's eyes, "Oh and his mundane name is Levi."

He then turned to me and began introducing everyone to me, "The twins are Timothy god factor Raphael, that being the one with the short hair and Daniel god factor Raguel him being the one with the long hair. And this is Alaric god factor Uriel, that makes up all of the angelic house that have been discovered up until you." Lucifer explained and transformed to Eli.

I followed suit feeling the energy draining from my body, he then sent the twins on their way to get changed and asked Alaric to show me to my room and quarters while he gets to his. My quarters according to what Alaric explained is the place where I reside as Azrael, it is like my throne room of a castle while my room is as simple as it means. The house felt larger from the inside almost never ending, we passed three halls that were like ballrooms but I didn't see inside because they were closed by giant double doors etched with gold. After making it to the fourth hall Alaric stopped and turned to me and handed me a key giving me a smile before turning around and started to head back the way we came.

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