Chapter 18

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They left me a message and they knew about the magic in me, but how was that possible? I had no memory of myself showing any signs of being able to control any form of the mystical arts, or had I and they or my mind found a way to block out the memory. Or had this Javonté contacted them and alerted them of the calamity that I bore within me, that was the only way I could possibly describe this. It was like a curse that followed you wherever you went and never made anything easier. Their message gave me the information as to where Javonté was supposed to be but that place was a ghost town at this time. When I visited there he nor anyone who would have been living there before inhabited the desolate borough, the houses were broken down and stray animals took dominance. Signs of recent human intervention in the wasteland was impossible to find and I had no time to spend searching for this mystery person that could have been killed by whatever caused the land he once called home to become barren.

I had to use all the energy I had to convince the court that I was able to maintain myself under the watchful eye of the guardian my parents assigned in their will instead of Belah. That meant that I had to put down the magical study and pick back up my education, luckily I was a very intelligent and diligent student therefore I integrated myself back into my school life quite fluidly and without much energy. I had to also keep my end of the bargain that I had made that night, I gave everyone a room in the house the very day that I got Beulah and Ash out. I was successful by playing out the role of an underaged victim kept away from the life of society and trapped in a house that suffocated the potential out of me by my wretched grandmother who seeked to use my fortune to embellish her life to a standard of endless luxury. It might have been an extreme take on my end but it was enough to get the court to escort her and those she employed under her iron rule out if the house.

I was able to show the rest of the factors how to live in the outside world once again and seem as if they were a normal person in society. It was a tough task but at least they knew the educational part of things, they had kept themselves up to date with their intellect since they valued it despite being in the housing realm. I also had the help of Aaron, Chloe and Cian when dealing with everyone, they had been the most amazing friends ever. They covered for me when I could not explain or tolerate the ignorance of some of the others and did their best to pick up where I lacked. At this point we were all in school, the facilities were generous meaning that it had enough space to accommodate for the sudden increase in numbers. The school was a high class school and since this was not the most lavish of towns not much could afford to attend so the resources were there but the consumers were in lack.

"This is quite boring, do we have to sit through this session of the unfashionable beatch any longer?" Lexi grumpled from my right earning the less than silent agreement from both our group and other students.

This upsurge in unison enthusiasm though to the wrong thing caught our Spanish teacher's attention causing her to stop speaking and close her book with one hand. Her eyes scanned the room until it landed on the one person I wished she could choose to ignore and not indulge in communication. Gears turned in her head as she formulated her question until a light shun in her eyes and she perked up letting her flawless spanish accent roll off her tongue directed to Alaric.

"Alaric, dame una simple cuenta de un momento de gran gozo que te sobrecoge." she rattled out with no hesitation or pauses to let what she asked sink in. But since I had already learnt a great amount of languages due to my parents being who they were I knew she asked 'Alaric, give me a simple account about a moment of great joy that overtakes you.'

"Estoy sentado bajo la luz de la luna en un campo abierto con un millón de estrellas encima de mí como una manta de fuego cayendo sobre mí. Miro hacia arriba para ver que la noche no se preocupa por lo que eres o lo que has hecho, sólo muestra su belleza para mí. Para ella." he says with a thicker accent than our teacher bore. He looked as if he didn't even take a second to translate what she asked, it came to him naturally. The way he was postured, his head tilted down and his hands tightened in his lap and an eerie darkness descended upon the room. There was a difference to his Spanish though it was like his dialect sounded like it was from Mexico, as he finished he got up from his seat and without another word left the classroom and slid the door shut behind him. It took me a while to understand what he had said but I repeated it over and over taking my time until I had translated the entire thing 'I'm sitting under the moonlight in an open field with a million stars above me like a blanket of fire falling over me. I look up to see that the night cares not for who you are or what you've done, it just shows its beauty for me. For her.'

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