Chapter 20

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The morning sun streamed through my window tapping me on my shoulders and waking me up. My eyes open slowly and all I saw was the bare broad back that belonged to Cian, my arm was thrown over his waist as I snuggled into his back with the covers up to my neck. His shoulders rose slowly on even times showing that he was still asleep so I took the time to lay there and admire him. There wasn't much of a love story between us, it was simply the link between our gods that had us so attracted to each other. And there wasn't much time for us to have alone to figure things out with all this upsurge of the dark side, which sounded like some sci fi shit. But right here right now we had a moment to breathe and actually hold onto each other, it felt so right. He was there when I needed the strength and comfort or even protection from all of this despite he now learning about his god factor as well.

I smiled against the skin between his shoulder and neck making him turn and look at me. His now half awake eyes open for me to gaze into, their green shimmer seeming endless. Then the urge came over me and I closed the gap between us letting my lips graze against his his before pulling back. I looked at him now fully awake to see if I had made any affect on him, his eyes were now darker and glued into my lips. So I licked my bottom lip and took it in between my teeth giving it a light nibble making him growl and pull me closer to him roughly and slamming his lips onto mine.

His kiss was raw and full of hunger that spread through every inch of my being, I climbed into his lap so I was straddling him and my black hair cover us. My hands were tied up in his hair while his roamed my body until it landed on my ass and squeezed making me groan into his mouth. Our lips moved apart and he began kissing my jaw and making his way down my neck nibbling and sucking surely causing hickeys to appear where he moved. I gasped as he began to suck the sensitive area right behind my ear, his hand then pushed my ass down to meet his boner making me grind on him. I then picked up the rhythm and began moving on my own making him hiss between his teeth when I pressed against him and bit down on his shoulder.

He was about to go for my shirt when we heard a knock on the door making me snap out of my lust and roll into my side of the bed. He groaned loudly and threw his feet onto the floor making his way to the door while trying to hide his less that little problem. When he got to the door he was met with a snarl from Lexi who stood tall with her foot tapping nervously against the wooden flooring. He was about to talk when her eyes wandered into the room and locked on me, she flushed for a little bit when she noticed a bareback Cian and a frazzled me on the bed. When she got over her discomfort she pushed him out of the way and entered the room but I still wasn't very keen on everyone from the group so I sent out an invisible wall at a distance from the bed. She walked into the wall and stopped to analyze the situation before she decided to simply say what she had to say to my delight.

"Some of the others led by Aaron have Javonte in the basement trying to get information out of him in the least flattering of ways." She blurted out before flicking something out of her nail and throwing her hair over her shoulder, "Not that I care but I think you might have a few opinions of your own against the hospitality shown to him."

My blood ran cold and I looked at Cian who was already putting on a shirt, his face mirrored my worries. He had not been told as to how I had learnt of Javonte nor that I was told to only trust him but he still knew that he shouldn't be treated that way. I hadn't have the time to change so I digged deep into my magic to freshen myself up with the guidance of Azrael before teleporting from my room into the basement. Cian wasn't far behind but we were both met with a protective barrier surrounding the cellar that they choose as their torture room. I heard a blood curdling scream come from the room before someone's loud voice echoed through the basement asking what made him come looking for us.

I knew I didn't have the time to waist just listening so I opened my eyes to the celestial realm which was the same plane I had entered when I fought the shadow over Jupiter. But this time I didn't enter it instead I was only looking at the magic signatures and codes that ran through the spell that kept the barrier up. This was of course by the help of Azrael because I still knew little about the magic part of all of this. He moved my hands that now glowed with my orange hue and rested them in the barrier, my magic flowed into the codes that lined the spell until it was fully saturated. Then my heart slammed heart against my chest and the air became solidified and a skull traced itself out on the barrier starting from where my hands rested. And when it was completed the entire thing fell to the ground like ashes before my eyes went back to normal and I lulled to the side resting myself against Cain.

"How did you do that?" I heard him ask against my hair.

"I let Azrael do all the heavy lifting." I muttered out of breath before I felt my energy build back up and me ran to the cellar.

I threw open the door and sent a blast of magic throughout the room causing everyone to fly against the walls. In the middle of the room was Javonte tied down to a chair with blood dripping from his face and arms, his feet looked as if they were broken in several places. He seemed as if he was going to pass out from either the pain or exhaustion at any point. I gasped and ran to him dropping to my knees and reaching carefully for his face, my hands shook from the anger building inside of me and the amount of nervousness I felt to even touch him. I felt that if I pressed to hard anywhere it would just fall right off, the feeling made me sick to my stomach.

"How could you do this huh?" I asked softly before turning around to look at those who stood in the room. Aaron was now being held my Cian against a wall while Alaric and Zade stood a few feet away. "He's one of us and all you can do is this? How are you even capable of such evil?!" I shouted.

"Levi you don't know who he is." Aaron said trying to reason with me.

"The fuck I do, his name is Javonte and his mother is a lawyer, he knew my parents and made sure that I was safe. His factor is a wizard named Mavrik who tortured and killed many of our past lives." I said making Aaron flail his hands like he was trying to show the obvious.

"Exactly he killed them Levi, murdered innocent children!" Aaron spat his face contorted in rage.

"No!" I screamed making everyone go still from the venom that came from me, "He, did none of that Mavrick did and he just so happened to have him as his factor. That doesn't define who he is, did you not hear that he protected me all my life. My parents trusted him and he is here because I was looking for him."

"You see that's what he does!" Alaric said making me turn to him in confusion, "He does whatever he wants at the expense of everyone else, he doesn't take anyone else into consideration. He didn't tell us about his power making all of us in danger of Ash, and now he brought someone who harbors a murderer into the house he brought us to." He said his voice shaking with anger, his eyes were filled with tears and I couldn't help think that despite the words he said he spoke about someone else. But my mind was blinded with what they were able to do, so all I did next was what came to mind.

"Samo srca иistote mogu ostati ovde." The words left my lips so gracefully and like I had known the language all my life. Then a sphere of magic spun around me before bursting out into a tsunami of energy that slammed through everyone in the house before I closed my eyes and let silent tears fall free.

I looked up through the haze of water in my eyes to see Javonte in his seemingly eternal pain and with my last bit of magic I touched him and mended all that was done to him. Then I remembered being engulfed with a darkness that felt as if there would never be a light again. It was just me and my thoughts, and even then all I could think about was the fact that everything had gone so very wrong. I had gotten my first real moment with Cian, found Javonte to only see that those I thought were not capable of evil do just that. And then I began to doubt myself, was Alaric right, if I had choose to trust the others just a little more what could have happened?

All I had ever learnt was that those that were supposed to be there for you, you could never trust them. My parents though they loved me were never there, I had a typical rich childhood. The luxury came with tutors in things no one else learnt like the ten or so languages I had learnt, then maids, servants and nannies who were supposed to take the place of my parents. And I didn't have family outside if them because in my father's side I was a hybrid that was diseased so they had nothing to do with me until my parents died. Then on my mother's side they saw themselves as victims to a cruel life and therefore deserved so much. So when they saw me they tried to fix their life by asking for money, that was all I was to them a key to a better life.

Then after my parents died I became depressed and bored with life until Aaron showed up. But he turned out to be more than a distraction, he was a medium to a life that should be fictional. I am not supposed to have magic or a god living in me, there wasn't supposed to be others like me who were not all that I had made them out to be. And there definitely wasn't supposed to have a dark group of factors like us who had decided to kill me or kidnap me. But here I was in stasis and all of it was real, none of this was a dream, I was here and this was my life. It just up to me to decide what I was going to do from now on, was I going to abandon it all and hide away from this world I had landed in. Or was I going to stand up and get my shit together, and find out who will help me get this over and done with for once and for all.

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