Chapter 6

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"The realm represent the barrenness and stagnation of your god factor, by you connecting to it you awoke your god. And as we can see you're the arc angel of death Azrael, as for what he said to you that I'm unsure of." Aaron said as looked at myself in the window.

"This is me?" I asked looking at the very creature that I thought only existed in that realm, but here he was. Here I was.

"Yes hun, that's you. Pretty neat isn't it?" Chloe came up to me resting her arm on my shoulder being careful enough not to disturb my wings.

I then raised my hand to my face inspecting it, the golden glow from inside the vision I had was not there. So what could that golden glow mean, and as curious as Aaron was about the statement that 'I' said to myself in the vision, I too was curious. It had to mean something important and I really wanted to find out if it was connected to me in some way. And like the angel within me made a direct communication with me I instantly remember the day that Aaron carried me outside and was acting strange. He was smoking and he told me that I needed to wake up because someone depended on it.

"Hey you guys, I think I might be on to something. Aaron that first day we met and you stood up to big mouth bitch you told me I had to wake up for someone's sake, what did you mean?" Aaron looked a little taken aback by question but his seemed to be considering answering me.

"Remember the vision I showed you? Well apparently Azrael was the last one to survive and send out the god factor, as much as we can see only Chloe and I had woken up before we forced you out. So when I said that I was meaning that maybe only you could awaken...." as he was going to finish his sentence his eyes opened wide.

He looked at Chloe and she scrunched her eyebrows together as if she too was contemplating the possibility of what he was talking about. If I understood correctly this meant that I was to be able to awaken the god factor in whomever may have one. That could be a good thing and a bad, if I was to be captured by one of those things from before this sight that I was given would be used to probably build an army for whatever reason.

I felt after a while like I was running a marathon all by myself, so my legs began to feel like jelly and I fell to the floor. I groaned when I felt a wave of nausea and tiredness wash over me, Aaron had now saw me in the floor and came up next to me to ensure that I was alright when I lit up like a Christmas tree and blacked out.

My eyes felt like they were glued shot and my body was under heavy anesthesia, but when I forced my eyes open a flood of light burst in making me slam it shut again. There was the sound of birds chirping outside and I could faintly hear a group of children playing outside which peaked my interest. Where was I?

But for a quick second the childlike laughter turned to the sound of machines running, my body felt like u was submerged in water with tiny needles stuck into myself. I swore I heard a man's voice but it quickly disappeared and I heard a child scream in delight and a parent yelling at them.

So I forced my eyes open once again but this time slowly letting the light seep in and give my eyes time to adjust. The room was small and had a bunch of anime posters all over the walls, it wasn't a dirty or clustered room despite it's small properties. I wasn't sure who's room I was in until Chloe walked in seeming peeved and waving her arms around very animatedly and silently screaming at Aaron who followed her in.

He simply smiled at her tantrum chuckling when she stopped and began to fume in a corner. Neither of them realized that I was awake so they let themselves be free to express what they were truly like. I wasn't sure why they were faking their personalities but they were definitely different than how they normally acted.

Aaron had a cigarette tucked behind his left ear and his bangs covered his right eye a lot more than they usually did. He had his hands in his jeans and leaned up against the wall smiling faintly at Chloe. She was even more expressive than her normal self but this time I seemed to have caught her in a annoyed mood. Her hands were folded on her chest while her foot tapped the ground, her short white hair was pulled back from her face and clipped down.

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