Chapter 12

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We were all gathered outside instead of anyone entering their specific houses incase of any traps that could have been set up. I did not feel comfortable being around anyone at the moment so I kept to myself sitting under a mango tree that was situated as far away from any of the houses. Unfortunately that meant that I had chosen to sit in the middle of the field seeing that all the houses were on all four sides. The other gods were all in their human forms and either conversing with each other or working in a strategy to ensure that something like that would never happen again, and how they were going to inspect the houses without putting anyone in danger.

"Not gonna eat anything?" A cute high pitched voice asked.

I looked up to see a boy looking at me with a mango from the tree over me, he had short black hair that was combed to the front of his face of his face but not covering it. He had dark brown eyes that was warm and welcoming, he wore a printed tee with some Teen Wolf reference on it, and a breathable blue jeans. He took the initiative to sit next to me and take a bite of the mango seeing that I choose not to answer him. He then began to laugh at something catching my attention, he saw me look at him in curiosity and pointed me over to a hilarious scene.

Across the field was Cian who was now drenched in eggs, around him was Chloe who had a crate of only one more egg in it. She looked a little pale from embarrassment but I could see the hidden laugh fighting to be free. At the next side of him was a boy with long black hair that would probably reach his shoulders, but he had it in a man bun making it hard to decipher. His face was contorted into pure laughter as a scandalous laugh escaped his lips which he tried to hide with his hand, his nails were long and filed to seem like he had claws which was kinda cool. His dark brown skin was a contrast to his white Converse jersey which he wore with a faded black jeans.

Cian looked over in my direction for a few seconds making me turn my head away and try to hide into the shadows casted by the tree's leaves and branches. The boy sitting next to me seemed to have realized and placed up a translucent thin wall around us. I wasn't sure what that wall was supposed to be about so I turned to face him to see him looking proud at his accomplishment.

"I've been working on that spell for a while now, glad it actually worked." He said with a little pep to his voice.

"But what actually is this?" I asked reaching out and touching it, it felt firm despite it's flimsy appearance.

"It's a spell to give the illusion to the outside of what's happening inside here while it really isn't. So everyone outside sees us in a passionate conversation while you only now started talking to me." He explained.

I nodded my head absentmindedly and looked back to the outside to see Cian walking over to us with impressive speed. Behind him Chloe was being questioned by Aaron both not understanding what had gotten to him while the long haired boy stared on. When he finally got up to the barrier he stopped and pushed his hand through it breaking it the second his eyes flashed purple letting me know it was Hades' influence that led him to act so feral. I rolled my eyes and got up reaching my hand out for the boy on the ground which he gladly took.

"I'm Levi and you?"

"Aqeel, with no 'u'."

I then pulled him close to me a smile developing on my face as I remembered when I used to do things like this to see how I'd be able to spice up my boring life. I then pressed my mouth to his ears and whispered to word "run" in his ears before I turned around and summoned a gun in hand. I aimed it at Cian and shut him making him take a step back, his eyes lit up with excitement as the blue liquid that existed my gun leaked down his leather jacket. His lips curled upward before he summoned a gun of his own and shut at me but I was able to flip out of the way.

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