Chapter 22

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I went back into my body with a heavy mind but a little more clarity on certain things. As I had expected though a scientist came into the room and disrupted my chain of thought, he began doing what I could only describe as his daily duties. He didn't falter in anything showing that he was accustomed doing it, he went to the computer and typed in a few things that made little screens appear on the clear glass part of each chamber. It had vitals, brain scans and so much other things I didn't understand. But as he was about to begin on Aqeel's chamber the lights in the buildings went out, and like second nature my eyes flashed to orange and I was able to see in the dark.

The scientist walked around blindly, his hands were out in front of him waving around in hopes of finding something to hold onto. But as he reached for a metal rod that came out from the computer the rod lit up like it was being heated and melted his rubber gloves to the metal. He screamed as the rubber melted to his flesh and kept him in place, a small teenage boy then walked from the doorway and cracked the scientists neck until it snapped and he went limp. He then stopped and closed his eyes not moving a muscle, but I sensed a tingling in the air. I knew he had to be using his magic for some reason, I tried my best to move at least my arm to get his attention.

He was a factor like me, possibly even someone who might know what was really going on. I gave up using my body and decided to my magic to tap into his, maybe I might even be able to get through to him. I seeped some of my magic out till I felt the buzz in my ear that soothed my body from the numbing feeling. Then I slammed my magic out of the chamber that cracked the glass and hit in straight in the chest making him fall back.

'Pluto, we need to be sure that you'd be able to see about all of them and get them out of there by yourself. The magic barriers are putting a strain on Yasmin, she isn't a god like us you know.' I heard someone say in the telepathic link I had broken into. 'Pluto are you there?' the voice said in a panicking tone.

'Shit, it seems like they have a factor as a guard dog here.' he replied getting back onto his feet and dusting off his clothing. He turned his body to face me head on and his eyes began to glow put colour.

'No, I'm not a guard dog. I woke up from whatever that place was, my name is Levi and my factor is Azrael, I'm...' I said.

'The Awakening...' we all said making him send quick requests to the girl on the line before cutting off the connection.

He walked forward and rested his hands on the chamber's glass until it shattered by him simply chanting a few words. I was surprised by the level of control he had over his magic, he didn't have to use bounts of magic to perform anything. He just used a little with some spell chanting and it made whatever his intentions happen. When the liquid that had surrounded me in the chamber had finished rushing out he stepped back and threw his hands out. A ripple of magic went through the air and flowed over me that caused the tubes in me to slip out without any pain. When it did come out though I felt my body lose a lot of energy making me fall forward and caught by this Pluto fellow.

He reached into a pouch behind his back and took out a syringe with a luminescent green liquid, he then harshly stabbed it into my chest and into my heart. He then pressed the liquid into me, I didn't have the energy to move so I couldn't protest. Nor did I want to, despite his airy persona he seemed like someone I could trust. He gave me a few seconds before pulling out the needle, I grunted in pain but he placed his hand on my head letting his magic soothe me.

"Stay calm and let it do it's work, it's an antidote to stasis so you'll be able to move soon. But I have to get to Alaric now, he can't stay in there any longer." He said quickly before getting up and moving away from my side.

My heart began to hammer against my chest from the fear and uncomfortable feeling of him not being next to me. I didn't like being left unprotected and immobile but I couldn't do anything to protest. I was confused though as to why he had said that he had to get to Alaric, what did he mean by he couldn't stay in there any longer. I tried to think of anything, just something that I had known about Alaric that would be detrimental other than his bitter personality. Then I remembered that he wasn't able to control his factor, did that have to do with the Oblalist? Was it making him radioactive in a sense?

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