Chapter 8

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'We need you to awaken him...' those words echoed through my head over and over as I stood in front of them.

They looked guilty for having to ask me to do it so suddenly, but I didn't care that they wanted me to do it now. This was someone's life and I wasn't even sure how to do what they were asking, I could do something wrong and kill him. I walked over to where he lay making Aaron and Chloe take a good set of steps back to give me space, there was something about this boy that pulled me in. So I sat down next to his head lifting it and resting it in my lap and moving his hair that probably grew from the amount of time that he had been asleep for. There was a second that I had a moment if shock, the boy looked very similar to the man I day dreamt about in the shower. But I let the thought slip away and tried my best to accomplish this task.

I rested my hands on either side of his head and closed my eyes, I didn't know what to do after that. I was so nervous and scared, I had now learnt that I had some kind of God in me and now I'm being asked to use that God's power to awaken another's. It was far from anything the average person would have to worry about, but I wasn't average at any point of my life. I opened my eyes knowing that I wasn't doing anything helpful but I realized that my eyes were glowing when I saw Cian's eyes fly open with bright purple irises.

When his eyes flashed open I felt like he looked straight into my soul then the world closed in and I blacked out. When I opened my eyes I realized I wasn't in Aaron's room anymore, I was laying in a bed covered in cream wool sheets. The room I was in was small but open, the window on the other side of the room was open and the spring air blew in pushing the curtains aside allowing the morning sun to wash against my skin. I looked down to see that I wasn't staring at myself but rather the body of someone else, I had warm caramel skin that was smooth to the touch and was slender with delicious curves.

I was distracted by the fact that I was in such a relaxing cottage and in someone else's body, I knew that somehow that I was in a vision but this felt different than any I ever had. Not paying attention I was caught off guard by a man that looked like none that should be allowed to walk this earth. He had long dusty blonde hair that was wet and fell in beachy waves over his shoulder, the water droplets fell from his hair and onto his broad olive shoulders and down his full muscular pecs. It then disappeared behind a white cotton cloth something like a towel but not as elaborate, his piercing green eyes drew me to his face, his eyes were like those of a predator looking for the perfect timing to strike. His lips curled to a smirk and his eyes turned to be the brilliant purple that Cian had before he passed his tongue over his fangs.

Though his actions were similar to that of many creatures that had attacked me, this body that I was in did not fear him. Instead it was aroused by the way he gawked at me, he moved from where he was standing crawled onto the bed making his way towards me. He was on all fours moving the straw pillows out of the way and chuckling when my body pushed itself up against the bed head and giggled. My vision went from seeing normally to seeing everything in the orange filter, it was only his purple orbs that broke through my hue and caught all of my attention. He then pushed himself up onto me and burying his face in the nook of my neck, he sniffed at my neck and licked at a sensitive spot making me shiver and his lips to form a grin against my skin.

My hands moved and held onto his face pulling it up to my face so that we were eye to eye and our noses rubbing against each other. I then felt my gums itch before I felt fangs extend from the place where my incisors were, and with that it was like my body was craving for his touch I smashed our lips together and pressed my hands against his chest. He caressed his hands against my bare stomach and moved till he was massaging the small of my back, our lips moved in synchronization. I pulled back and nipped his bottom lip with my fangs and sucked on it making him moan and growl in his throat, he flipped us so I was on top of him. And with that his towel was pulled off and he was pressed against me teasing me with the tip of him brushing against my entrance.

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