What's in a (file)name?

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Let's start by saying that I fully support standardized file naming conventions.  Good filenames can make document management that much easier.  Anyone who has ever used a shared network drive will know the tangled mess of files that users can leave behind.

But the lengths that management will sometimes go to debate these conventions is just ridiculous.  My boss holds regular hour-long meetings dedicated to discussing filename minutiae. 

For example, using round or square brackets '(project name)' vs '[project name]'. A dash, colon or a space to separate the project name from the filename. Or my personal favourite, concatenating a few naming conventions to make an even longer one eg. 'Project001: [FY18 annual update](FY17 Project Starlight presentation)'.

During my more whimsical moments I sometimes imagine changing all the dashes to dots, or removing random brackets just to mess with management.  Of course my boss would just arrange another lengthy meeting to start a clean up exercise and discuss new naming conventions.  The circle of life continues.

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